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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Latest - Vacation

    here are some from my previous vacation which i touched up a little

  2. #2
    MB1 is offline
    The Skeptical Photographer MB1's Avatar
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    Re: Latest - Vacation

    #1-Great sky but there is nothing in the foreground.

    #2- He is smack dab in the center of the image and the background is perfectly exposed and he is too dark. I'd crop off most of the left and expose him correctly letting the background blow out.

    #3-A nice abstract and I like where you put the horizon but the whole thing looks green.

    #4-The best of the lot if you level the horizon.
    No, I DON'T need that.

  3. #3
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Latest - Vacation

    Welcome to the PR forums.

    I like shots # 1 and 5. The clouds are fun in the first one though it may be lacking a subject to grab attention. # 5 has great colors and some nice vanishing point geometry, but there is also some distractions in there - the fading out table and salt & pepper on the left, and the bright lights inside the glass. The railing might be too close to the horizon, almost combining them. Not bad under the circumstances where you (may I venture to guess) didn't have a tripod and had to lay your camera on the table for support (been there done that).

    Again, welcome !

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  4. #4
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Latest - Vacation

    Welcome, I think #1 and #5 are best also. # 2 looks as if the subject was cut and pasted into the scene. It might be the post processing work you have done to it.
    #3 with the car is not bad, but the bg is busy and the railing looks like it is coming up out of the car. I like your pp treatment on that one.
    #5 as MB1 stated could use a straightening . Clone out the hot spot in the lower right corner
    #1 I like as is and think it can hold well enough without a foreground element. i like the natural lighting on the water, but it seems as though you might have dodged some vertical streaks in the water and if so, I would lose that. Not needed.

    btw, please post one photo per thread as it takes time to analyze and offer critique on many images.
    please do not edit and repost my photos


  5. #5
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    Re: Latest - Vacation

    sorry my bad i thought i read 5 somewhere, however will keep that in mind next time, but im still puzzled on how i may be able to level the horizon to some extent for i obtained this picture moments after i bought it and was and still am unexperienced causing the horizon to tilt off. I am still wondering the best way to take a photo during motion as it usually produces a blurry quality similar to this case, im a beginner with a D40x and still in process of learning, thanks for the advice

  6. #6
    The red headed step child jgredline's Avatar
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    Re: Latest - Vacation

    Personally, I like the 1 st photo...The others just don't do it for me...The second photo is plain bad
    The third is ok, but real busy with no context unless your trying to show the benz, in which case a tighter crop would help
    the fourth seems flat to me..Way to much empty space..
    The fifth one is ok,

    By the way, that d40x is a nice camera....enjoy it!
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  7. #7
    Moderator Didache's Avatar
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    Re: Latest - Vacation

    If either you or the subject are moving you need to shoot at a faster shutter speed than usual - forgive me if you've already done this, but put the camera on shutter priority (usually designated by a "T" on the mode dial - and set the shutter speed much higher - for the type of photos you have posted here around 1/350 should be ok.

    More specifically, No 1 is fine (pretty clouds!) but you need something in the photo to draw the eye - as it is, it's just empty sea.

    In No 2 the light area behind your subject has fooled the exposure meter - this is why it has underexposed the man. If you are photographing a scene with a wide variation in contrast, you are better off spot metering off the main subject rather than let the camera decide for you.

    No 5 is nice - easily the best and a very nice picture.

    Re the horizons - do you have Elements or any other photo-processing program? Any of them will allow you to level the horizon and also correct any colour imbalance.

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