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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Beirut, Lebanon

    Landscape Feedback

    Hi Everyone,

    This is the first time I post my pictures I was seeking for some reviews and comments...
    Those pictures were taken in Montreal, Canada. The first 2 were taken with a polarizing filter and the last one without.

    Let me know what you think, your comments, suggestions etc...

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Landscape Feedback-1.jpg   Landscape Feedback-2.jpg   Landscape Feedback-3.jpg  

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    bozeman, mt, united states

    Re: Landscape Feedback

    I really like the bottom one. However, the building looks a little off like they're tilting. Is somethin skewed in that shot.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    San Diego, Ca.

    Re: Landscape Feedback

    #1 Its okay... but it seems a little dark to me, it also has a counterclockwise rotation to it.

    #2 I would crop off some of the sky (perhaps a little above the top of the building) and some of the water (get some of the reflection of the trees but get rid of the rest) as its just seems to be empty space in the picture. The colors come out fairly well though

    #3 The Clockwise rotation (or tilt) is a bit distracting, and the trees seem to be, "dead space" (As often happens in night shots). I would even out the horizon, crop off the bottom third and some of the sides of the picture to focus more on reflections in the water and city behind it.

    All three photos have some good potential... especially #2. Just a little post processing would greatly enhance these photos. Keep it up.

  4. #4
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Landscape Feedback

    Hi and welcome to PR.

    They all have nice colors. The polarizer worked well here, I think. However, each seems to have some technical and compostional problems. First, they all seem soft (slightly blurry) to me. Might be a camera shake issue - best to use a tripod if possible. But it could also just be the camera - what type did you use? If it was a point and shoot, this sometimes happens The top and bottom shot, as others have mentioned, appear to be tilted (the horizon isnt straight). The top one also seems to have too much negative space on the top, sort of looking out of place with the strong geometry of the vanishing point of the trees. The second also has a little too much negative space at the top, though I feel it's better because it creates a feeling of spaciousness and makes it appear like an island.

    Overall, some good things but just a few technical issues to take care of. Those are usually easily correctable. Good luck, and post some pix of Lebanon.
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  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Beirut, Lebanon

    Re: Landscape Feedback

    Thank you for your comments,
    First, they all seem soft (slightly blurry) to me. Might be a camera shake issue - best to use a tripod if possible. But it could also just be the camera - what type did you use?
    I noticed this bluryness in other pictures too even in well lit evironment. I am using a Canon 350D or Rebel XT. Do you know what could this? does camera shake create this problem even in good lightning conditions?

    I am in Montreal right now I am heading to Lebanon tomorrow I will definitivly send you some pics soon... Pics you don't see in the media.


  6. #6
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Landscape Feedback

    Quote Originally Posted by Emilien81
    Thank you for your comments,

    I noticed this bluryness in other pictures too even in well lit evironment. I am using a Canon 350D or Rebel XT. Do you know what could this? does camera shake create this problem even in good lightning conditions?

    I am in Montreal right now I am heading to Lebanon tomorrow I will definitivly send you some pics soon... Pics you don't see in the media.

    Hard to say... I once bought a 3 MP point and shoot camera for pretty cheap and no matter what I did, the pix came out soft, but the ones you listed are good cameras and usually have great optics.

    The basic rule of thumb is that the shutter speed should be at least as fast as the recipical of the focal length. So if you're shooting at 60mm then the shutter must be 1/60 or faster, for handheld shots. Did you have it on manual or shutter priority and use slower than that? For an expt, try shooting a pic like this hand held then use a tripod for the same two shots and compare them. Also note that resizing your photos can sometimes soften them, but I doubt it would this much.

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