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Really like the first 2! With the 3rd one, could you perhaps use cropping to draw more attention to the man? With the 4th one I'm not quite sure where to look.
Really like the first 2! With the 3rd one, could you perhaps use cropping to draw more attention to the man? With the 4th one I'm not quite sure where to look.
The subject in the 4th photo is the man burning paper gifts. Probably it's too small.
I like the wall although I think a bit more contrast in the sky could improve it as the sky looks a little washed out.
In the tombs you'vre got the uniformity of the grave stones spot on, if a little dark for me. Perhaps layering the bottom half and lightening it may help while still keeping the sky as is.
The man burning paper is well positioned leading the eye up the photo with the tree then leading you to the right, although I do agree he could do with being a little closer.
As for A man at work I think you needed to focus more on the man doing the work and have less sky to give a bit more detail of what he's doing.
I wonder what they would look like in colour? Over all though I do like and have good composition.
I like the wall although I think a bit more contrast in the sky could improve it as the sky looks a little washed out.
In the tombs you'vre got the uniformity of the grave stones spot on, if a little dark for me. Perhaps layering the bottom half and lightening it may help while still keeping the sky as is.
The man burning paper is well positioned leading the eye up the photo with the tree then leading you to the right, although I do agree he could do with being a little closer.
As for A man at work I think you needed to focus more on the man doing the work and have less sky to give a bit more detail of what he's doing.
I wonder what they would look like in colour? Over all though I do like and have good composition.
Thanks for the feedback. I converted them to B&W because they don't look good in color because that morning was very hazy due to air pollution.