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  1. #1
    Coastal Flyer Coastal Flyer's Avatar
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    Lake Como, Italy

    At the foot of the Alps, a night shot from Lake Como.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Lake Como, Italy-5940.jpg  
    Coastal Flyer


  2. #2
    Senior Shooter Greg McCary's Avatar
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    Re: Lake Como, Italy

    I like the composition but it seems to lean right slightly. The exposure also is good too. There seems to be some noise in the sky like you might have shot at a high ISO. I guess a long exposure would have led to motion blur from the boat. I hope you are having fun and thanks or sharing CF.
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  3. #3
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Lake Como, Italy

    CF - A worthy attempt. I think it has character (being from Italy). But the lighting is too dim in critical areas for me. As is I really can't decide where to look. You might be able to dodge/burn something like the foreground boat to be brighter and become more of a focal pt.
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  4. #4
    Coastal Flyer Coastal Flyer's Avatar
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    Re: Lake Como, Italy


    Thanks so much for the comments. This was taken at 1600 ISO to capture what little light there was left in the day. I had not noticed the right tilt before you mentioned it and now I can't look at this without seeing a tilt. I'll see what I can do to fix that. Regardless, thanks for the comments.

    Coastal Flyer


  5. #5
    Member ZL4life's Avatar
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    Re: Lake Como, Italy

    beautiful. my girl friend just hopped a plain to hawaii this morning, i hope she brings back some island beauties with her.... PICTURES that is

  6. #6
    Coastal Flyer Coastal Flyer's Avatar
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    Re: Lake Como, Italy


    You should have gone to Hawaii with her to be sure there were island beauties. Regardless.

    Coastal Flyer


  7. #7
    Member ZL4life's Avatar
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    Re: Lake Como, Italy

    well.... YEAH! it just didn't work out this time. we're planning on going back in jan-feb... it will be beautiful

  8. #8
    Coastal Flyer Coastal Flyer's Avatar
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    Re: Lake Como, Italy

    I love Hawaii. Hope it works out for you next time and you can take the beauty shots.

    Coastal Flyer


  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    Re: Lake Como, Italy

    CF et al.:

    I'm (obviously) a new forum member and came across this thread tonight while trying to solve a problem I have. I'm in Como and tonight I slipped and fell on some algae on a step while rushing to get a picture of a swan. I broke the lens to my Sony digital camera in the process.

    I'm only here for a day (Wednesday the 7th) and have been looking forward to taking pictures here for quite some time.

    Do any of ya'll know of a decent camera store I could go to in order to repair or replace my camera? I've checked the Sony Website and am aware of Euronics on Via Paoli and Next Hardware & Software on Via Borgovico, but want to make sure I've got all possible resources covered for when I wake up tomorrow morning.

    My camera was\is a Sony DSC-N2. In addition to posting here, if anyone has any helpful information I would be very grateful if you could e-mail it to PaulSuarez (at) Also, my telephone number is area code three one zero, nine two six - seven two eight five.

    Thanks in advance for any help you gentlemen might provide.


  10. #10
    Coastal Flyer Coastal Flyer's Avatar
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    San Diego, CA USA

    Re: Lake Como, Italy


    Very sorry to hear of your accident. I nearly did the very same thing. I cannot offer assistance in locating a camera shop in that area. Being in the Como area you know, you are pretty far out in the countryside, so a camera shop might be hoping for a lot. Hope you are able to continue the trip with some photo success, regardless.

    Coastal Flyer


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