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Results 1 to 3 of 3
  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Kid in the Cordoba Mosque, Spain

    as you can see i'm new to the forums, and to photography, so please be nice!

    This shot was taken in the Cordoba Mosque in the south of spain. Nikon F601 with 35-70 lens, Fuji Superia 200 film.

    the shop which scanned the negatives compensated the brightness of the images, which sort of pissed me off, because it makes the blackness around the kid look a lot less black.

    It was really dark and light comes in through little windows closed to the celing. the kid just went and sat down right under one of those sun beams.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Kid in the Cordoba Mosque, Spain-20a_00115crop.jpg  

  2. #2
    banished Don Schaeffer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Huntington, NY

    Re: Kid in the Cordoba Mosque, Spain

    You must be pretty brave to shoot pictures in a mosque. The big problem with this one is the darkening of the top of the face. If you could dodge that out to make the top of the fsace visible this would be a good photo by a brave photographer.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: Kid in the Cordoba Mosque, Spain

    problem is i can't process color at home since i don't have color processing equipment.
    Its called the Cordoba Mosque but in fact it was only a mosque till about the 14th century, when the city was conquered by the Christians again. It was made into a cathedral but most of the architecture was kept the way it was, that's why today its called the "Cordoba Mosque" even though it is a christian church.
    This brings me to a question: Is it possible to print color negatives onto black and white paper with a black and white enlarger head and use black and white chemistry to develop the print?

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