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Photography Software and Post Processing Forum Moderator. Visit here!
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Dont have anything to add. Great shot. I would do it differently, but likely not as well.
What would have done different? That's the stuff I need to know. Bright as heck that day, unfortunately. That's why I needed to put a few effects on it.
Photography Software and Post Processing Forum Moderator. Visit here!
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I would pull out the exposures and completely darken everything that was not the model and the wall near her or the sign. This is a very good shot as it is, but it begs for noir, for more mystery. Darken major portions of it would be my inclination. But I repeat that you are much more experienced than I. Give me a raw file and I will throw up my lame attempt....
Daq, I already did exactly that, but I guess not to the extent you're envisioning. Sounds like a good experiment. I didn't take RAW, just JPG ... Let me know if you want to give it a try and I will PM you a link to the full res image so you can DL (it's ~ 5 MB).
Btw, I think this shot is OK but I think her pose is slightly too casual.
Photography Software and Post Processing Forum Moderator. Visit here!
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I actually like the pose here as well as the composition, but the shot overall would benefit greatly from a large overhead scrim to kill the hotspots (too many stops difference between the highlights and shadows). You can make one of these scrims fairly cheap by getting a few yards of white ripstop nylon from the fabric store and some 3/4" PVC pipe/fittings from Home Depot/Lowes (don't even glue them, then it can be taken apart for storage).
I actually like the pose here as well as the composition, but the shot overall would benefit greatly from a large overhead scrim to kill the hotspots (too many stops difference between the highlights and shadows). You can make one of these scrims fairly cheap by getting a few yards of white ripstop nylon from the fabric store and some 3/4" PVC pipe/fittings from Home Depot/Lowes (don't even glue them, then it can be taken apart for storage).
Agree that the lighting is rough here. It was so bright that day that I compare it to a day in the desert, just bad, BAD for photography (I'm actually surprised they came out as well as it did!).
What you suggest would be great Jet, but now we're talking production-level shooting: transporting, set up, moving it around, attracting attention, etc. I think it would take 2-3 helping 'hands' to move such a thing around, and next thing you know about 5-10 gawkers would be there asking what's up and what not.
But then again, maybe the model would like the attention :idea:
Btw, we did so a small version of this with a reflector in some other close-in shots: I will post those soon. PPing is taking awhile ... I think I spent close to an hour (or more) on masking this one last night.
Photography Software and Post Processing Forum Moderator. Visit here!
Feel free to edit and repost my photos as part of your critique.