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  1. #1
    GB1 is offline
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    Just Window Shopping (Warning: Nudity)

    Comments? This one's more about the shape of the car and it's overall lighting than on the model, making the model more complementary (?) Not sure if it works though: too may have too much tension.


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  2. #2
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    Re: Just Window Shopping (Warning: Nudity)

    oh therz a car there !!!! :P

  3. #3
    Woe is me! wfooshee's Avatar
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    Re: Just Window Shopping (Warning: Nudity)

    I think she could have been a few inches forward, so her rump didn't break the roofline of the car.

  4. #4
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    Re: Just Window Shopping (Warning: Nudity)

    I like the elements in this photo (the woman, the car) but I'm not sure it all works together. I agree about breaking that roof line, and maybe there is something else it needs (or has but doesn't need) too but it's hard to put my finger on it.
    Maybe if the model were more implicit and less explicit in terms of lighting and focus (in the compositional sense) it would work better. I can't help but think of those old 80's Porche 911 posters with a silhouetted woman on them. Maybe something along those lines would work better IMO.
    But technically this is excellent!

  5. #5
    Senior Member armando_m's Avatar
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    Re: Just Window Shopping (Warning: Nudity)

    A nice background ! same location as the other car shots you have shared ?

    I like the shadows on the wall
    the reflections of her legs on the car door
    and no flash reflections on the car !!

    I think the title really fits the image

    About your comment about the photo being more about the shape of the car vs the model, it does not communicate that to me, the car is incomplete and the model is so prominently lit.

    Most of the light is on her behind

    Really makes it hard to pay attention to anything else

  6. #6
    Senior Member arne saknussen's Avatar
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    Re: Just Window Shopping (Warning: Nudity)

    The model certainly does steal the focus from the car. In this shot, the car and the model seem to have no real connection, no reason for them to be together. I suppose there could be some absurd or surreal reason, but I don't see any clues. If her shape matched the car (or contrasted the shape) it would make more sense. Or maybe including another person and their reaction or non-reaction.

  7. #7
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Just Window Shopping (Warning: Nudity)

    Thanks for your feedback. Funny how when you put "nudity" in the title that it attracts about 5X more views.

    My personal feeling is that the model's face is too dark. Yes, it's more about both her curves, and the car's, but I instinctively look at a person's face when I see one in a photograph. I also feel that it's missing something, perhaps warmth, taking away from the humor that it may have had (ahhhh). It could use more hood area too, perhaps showing the headlights. But as far as a technically pleasing image, with generally simple surrounding and shapes, it may work Ok. It just isn't a classic.

    Utkarsh, very funny!

    Wfooshee, good eye. These little things make the difference between an OK shot and great one.

    Matt, I agree that somehow they seem to ignore each other, and like you, not sure why. I think it's partially due to the cold surroundings (floor is concrete, vehicle neutral grey) and light (not super warm, too little on her face). It instead forces one to look at the shapes, which aren't bad. They just aren't super. I don't think a pure silhouetted model would work here however, but I do think the concept is sound. Glad you think that it technically worked, anyway.

    Armando, Thanks for your observations. I got luckily with the lack of reflections! I guess it's because I was just off to the side, as was the strobe (about 90 degrees from me). We realized that the strobe wasn't ideally positioned and moved it. I personally feel that this image's background is one of the best in the entire shoot's. Just soooo hard to get all these things working in only one hour. The model was very experienced however, so at least I didn't have to stumble through my efforts of trying to pose her; she knew her poses already, saving us an incredible amount of time.

    Arne, I agree, no real connection. We tried having her look in the car and then into the side view mirror to give it some, but not sure it's as strong as it needed to be. Have more shots, will post. Perhaps they will make a better statement!

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  8. #8
    Member Adamo's Avatar
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    Re: Just Window Shopping (Warning: Nudity)

    Wait, there's a car in that shot. Weird I missed it the first few times I looked at it.

    Greg, I thought it was pretty interesting how this image had over 200 views. Maybe I will put "NUDE" in all my upcoming posts.

    BTW, Where was my invite for this shoot!

    Sorry, but I don't have anything else to say that hasn't been said already.

    Great shot!

  9. #9
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Just Window Shopping (Warning: Nudity)

    Quote Originally Posted by Adamo View Post
    Wait, there's a car in that shot. Weird I missed it the first few times I looked at it.

    Greg, I thought it was pretty interesting how this image had over 200 views. Maybe I will put "NUDE" in all my upcoming posts.

    BTW, Where was my invite for this shoot!

    Sorry, but I don't have anything else to say that hasn't been said already.

    Great shot!
    Matt - just a reminder; your invitation for the next shoot (gals on motorcycles) is in your inbox. :yesnod:
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  10. #10
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    Re: Just Window Shopping (Warning: Nudity)

    Greg, I thought it was pretty interesting how this image had over 200 views. Maybe I will put "NUDE" in all my upcoming posts.

    BTW, Where was my invite for this shoot!

    Sorry, but I don't have anything else to say that hasn't been said already

    you can say that you like the pic very much !:thumbsup:


  11. #11
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
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    Re: Just Window Shopping (Warning: Nudity)

    Finaly worked out what was bugging me. It's the shape of her back.
    How about having her arching her back bending the spine forward to follow the line of the roof?
    Echoing the shape of the car in her pose.

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  12. #12
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Just Window Shopping (Warning: Nudity)

    Paul - Excellent idea! Dang, wish I had thought of that there. Seems that one always says that after a model shoot, "Wish I had done this" and "if I had only noticed that".. I will take a look though my stash of pix, maybe I caught one that's closer to that.

    By the way - this thread's up to almost 300 views!!!! Matt's onto something, just start putting "nudity" in your titles to get better exposure (and this one's exposed alright).
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  13. #13
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    Re: Just Window Shopping (Warning: Nudity)

    Her back aligning with the roof curve would tie her in better, as is she can wear clothes. Flex her legs to mimic the curve of the wheel well/fender and move her forward as needed to keep her profile from breaking the roof and the fender lines. Fill light on her face would be helpful, but I don't think it's mandatory. I like the even lighting and her reflection on the side of the car.
    It's not about the camera....

  14. #14
    banished Don Schaeffer's Avatar
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    Re: Just Window Shopping (Warning: Nudity)

    Don't kid around. This is more about the model than the car.

  15. #15
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    Re: Just Window Shopping (Warning: Nudity)

    Lots of great tips on here. I have a couple ideas too. I think she should be stroking the car with her left hand, as if she can't wait to get behind the wheel. Or maybe the photo could tell more of a story. What if you had a good looking guy taking off his tie while walking into the house (as if she greeted him naked in the garage as he came home from work) So we see his back as he goes into the house, and she lingers behind admiring the car. For a moment she's torn between seeing her lover and checking out the car!

    Either way, the look on her face is wrong. It should be anticipation and excitement to get behind the wheel!

  16. #16
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Just Window Shopping (Warning: Nudity)

    Thanks for your comments. Yeah, a lot of hindsight which is something I always beat myself up on. I can handle missed artistic ops, as long as I don't mess up on a technical aspect.

    Chris, I agree on that fill light! I think this pic's OK but her face being that dark sort of knocks it down a grade or two. See my post here.

    Thanks Don. I agree, though the car adds intrigue, and maybe a little conflict.

    Judy, the getting behind the wheel idea's a good one, but here she's supposed to be looking in the side view mirror at her reflection, though I think that her head's turned a little to the right so she's also looking in the car (dang).

    Here's another shot of the same scene -

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