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Thread: Just for Fun!

  1. #1
    GB1 is offline
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    Just for Fun!

    Hey, it is Super Bowl ~~ Party Week ~~, is it not?

    Not sure this one really says anything, but critique away.


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  2. #2
    Senior Member draymorton's Avatar
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    Re: Just for Fun!

    Great work. Fun shot. Does it need to say anything?

    I wouldn't know what to suggest. But there is banding everywhere. Is that just a by-product of posting online?

  3. #3
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Just for Fun!

    Dray - You're so right!! I did see the banding but was unsure of how much it would affect the viewing experience. Thanks for snapping me back to reality - banding sucks !

    I believe that the exposure/density correction filter produced the banding. I went ahead and reprocessed it using manual settings and it doesn't seem to be there anymore. For good measure, I blurred the background though ( I did that to the first pic also, but not as much).

    Like the full, and is it light enough?


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  4. #4
    Senior Member draymorton's Avatar
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    Re: Just for Fun!

    I like the colors and crop in #1, but the second one is still good. She needs to brought out a little more in #2.

    Great idea and pose. And the pp in #1 is really good.

    Weird thing about banding, btw: I've found that blurring makes it worse.

  5. #5
    Re Member LeeIs's Avatar
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    Re: Just for Fun!

    I definitely prefer 1st one also. her pose is also very good. the one thing that i wish was different is that one red strand that goes on her left thigh. to me it's annoyingly right on the edge of where her thigh and background meet. would've loved to see her thigh against the BG. I know, I'm an insane nitpicker! lol.

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  6. #6
    Senior Member armando_m's Avatar
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    Re: Just for Fun!

    I like the crop of #1
    and I like the color balance of #2

    #1 focus is a bit soft ?
    #2 is maybe a bit underexposed

    good thing that you continue to show us new images of this model

  7. #7
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Just for Fun!

    thanks everyone!

    Dray, this one's a toss up. I like aspects of it but am not sure about how 'detached' it feels with her not looking at the camera (??). I also think the crop may be slightly better (it's a bit busy below the waist). I've had a bit of a hard time balancing out the exposures and colors with these shots. Thks for the banding observation and tip. I often try the "Auto Levels" or equivalent first to see if it puts me in the ballpark - if so, I do that and just tweak it from there. But the Auto settings often seem to produce banding ... odd.

    Liban, I think that the nit here is a good point. It looks odd and I really think I need to remove it in post. Btw the little things seem to make the difference with model shots, so don't hold back.

    Armando - I couldn't sharpen up # 1 as much because the banding on her face would really show. I think I need an image # 3 - the best of each. Yeah I still have a LOT of shots of this model with potential that I haven't processed yet ... I guess this shows how much of a hobby this currently is for me, rather than a job. You will see more of her, but I really need to finish up - it's now been six months since the shoot.

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