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  1. #26
    Peace to all creatures great and small ERdept's Avatar
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    USA Baby!

    Re: JROTC Drill Meet Series (11 imgs)

    Besides being great photos, I just wanted to say that these pics brought back memories of being in JROTC myself as well when I was in high school. It was one of the toughest things I did because you don't fit in with the regular crowd and on uniform day, you were saluted in a mocking way by 15%+ - of the school's bullies and being called "space cadet", "***", and having a room on non cadets being called to attention when you walk in. It's also tough for kids to elect to not fit in when fitting in and being accepted is what a kid really wants. My hats off to them for having the will to do what they decide.


  2. #27
    News & Rum-or-ator opus's Avatar
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    Re: JROTC Drill Meet Series (11 imgs)

    I think my favorite is the one of the girl in the white hat being tapped out. There is so much to look at and think about! Tells a story, even if we don't really understand what's happening. What I first understood (before reading your description) is that in a room full of disciplined heads looking straight forward, there is a girl who seems to be breaking the rules by looking to the side, listening or talking with someone else. But he seems to be a superior based on his uniform, so that probably makes it OK ... does it? It's a real juxtaposition of same vs. different and raises the question of should it be happening or not and why. I just love it!

    For sheer artistry I love the first one for its DOF.
    Drink Coffee. Do stupid things faster with more energy.

  3. #28
    Sleep is optional Sebastian's Avatar
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    Chicago Suburbs

    Re: JROTC Drill Meet Series (11 imgs)

    Thanks guys.

    So Kelly, any idea what lens you getting yet?

    EDIT: Kelly, that by coincidence is probably my favorite shot out of the bunch, for the very reasons you mention.

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    How to tell the most experienced shooter in a group? They have the least amount of toys on them.

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