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Thread: Jenny

  1. #1
    LRPS Alison's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    50mm 1.8 lens, RAW format, Manual mode, f/3.5, SS 1/100, ISO 100

    Decided a sepia effect would suit the cowgirl look.

    Rotated and cropped.
    Duplicated my layer, added a supermooth filter in xero and then erased her hair, eyes, tip of her nose, lips and clothing back to their original sharpness.
    Sharpened and dodged her eyes a little.

    I love it! What do you think?
    Last edited by Alison; 02-25-2007 at 05:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Insert something witty here.. yogestee's Avatar
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    Aussie living in Laos

    Re: Jenny

    Another keeper Alison..Great soft lighing and good skin tones...I like the tilt of Jenny's head and the soft back ground....BUT,,there is always a but...I would have liked to see a bit of detail in Jenny's hat..its a bit burnt out..

    Otherwise,,good stuff

    Falang dung nyai

    Please don't edit my images without my permission.

  3. #3
    Senior Member cyberlord's Avatar
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    FWB, FL, USA

    Re: Jenny

    I've toyed with glamour tecniques for the experience with my daughter also (she's my only willing model) and I found the effects to be un-natural looking for younger models. It makes the eyes look weird. I find if any smoothing is to be done make it very subtle.

    You said you dodged her eyes, I think one ended up brighter than the other and doesn't match the light of the surrounding skin. Use a reflector to get light under the hat instead of post processing in PS or what have you.

    Over all I like the photo very much other than the above. The pose is nice. Only thing I would do is crop out the dark background or go high key, but thats me, I like full frame headshots. If you prefer a dark background for framing then it should be blurred a little more.

    Good job!

    This is an area I am weak in but without willing models it's tough to experiment.

    My blog - Photography Rulez

    'Slim' - K10D and *ist DL w/ SMCP DA 70mm 2.4 Limited, SMCP-DA 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6, SMC M 28mm f/2.8, SMC M 50mm f/1.7, and Tamron AF75-300mm f/4-5.6 LD Macro
    Slim of the Clan O'Canon - A1 w/ FD 28, 50, 70-210 & Sigma 500/1000 f8/f16

  4. #4
    LRPS Alison's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Re: Jenny

    Is the eye any better now? Or should I go a little darker?
    Last edited by Alison; 02-25-2007 at 05:24 PM.

  5. #5
    Senior Member cyberlord's Avatar
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    FWB, FL, USA

    Re: Jenny

    Quote Originally Posted by Alison
    Is the eye any better now? Or should I go a little darker?
    I think you could get away with it at like this. I still notice it, but I think if I hadn't seen the original photo and saw this first it wouldn't be noticible.

    Somtimes I'm too hyper-critical even more so for my own work.

    Good to see you working PS, I like working/experimenting in PS as much as I do capturing the original image. I did learn something in PS this morning. I had never used the measure tool before and played hide-and-go-seek for it this morning.

    My blog - Photography Rulez

    'Slim' - K10D and *ist DL w/ SMCP DA 70mm 2.4 Limited, SMCP-DA 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6, SMC M 28mm f/2.8, SMC M 50mm f/1.7, and Tamron AF75-300mm f/4-5.6 LD Macro
    Slim of the Clan O'Canon - A1 w/ FD 28, 50, 70-210 & Sigma 500/1000 f8/f16

  6. #6
    is back jar_e's Avatar
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    Calgary, Alberta

    Re: Jenny

    Tim brought up a good point about the eyes. That's the only thing I was going to mention! Great shot!

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