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Hey Greg, I'm not seeing the right side out of focus area, but in general I wasn't super happy about the sharpness of these shots, even though I was shooting with my better lenses. I am still a bit confused on that. One was AF and the other manual. With the manual, as the model moves from side to side and inevitably fore and aft in her poses, I've found that it's very easy to get her out of focus if I use a shallow DOF, so I usually use a deeper one to give me a little cushion.
Also, there's something about some models where I can't get their eyes sharp. Very odd!! I think every one of my images of Jasmine have soft eyes ... I'm guessing that her eyes are naturally watery.
Thanks too Justan. Yeah, this one isn't glamorous, as she is trying to be a little more serious. But I'm not sure whether it works or not .. She's a direct smile type of gal.
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