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Shooting B&W with:
a Yashica 635, 120 roll - 80mm Yashinon lens and an Agfa Billy 0 (Zero) 127 roll - Solinar 7.5cm lens
Shooting color with:
a Yashica-Mat, 120 roll - 80mm Lumaxar lens and a Canon FTb, 135 roll - 55mm and 85mm FD lenses
First of all, congrats for going MF! That's something I never dared to venture into yet I am drawn by it....
I like your composition but the picture seems a litle too soft and there seems to be a color cast. I think that you could enhance the final product with a little post processing.
I'll be honest, I prefer your first picture you posted. The colors seem a tad off for me...was this scanned from film? The blue is a wonderful hue, though it seems the whole picture kind of has a bluish tint on it. A little tight on the crop, but it's not as bad as it could be.
I like this better than the first image of this scene because there is more space around the mill and the inclusion of the small house compliments the mill and the entire scene.
Are these already prints that you are scanning into the computer? If so, that would explain the softness of the images and possibly the slight colorcasts as well. The composition is ok here, but i feel the mill is too centered. moving it over to the right a bit would get a better balance. This for me is an improvement over the first.
I like this better than the first image of this scene because there is more space around the mill and the inclusion of the small house compliments the mill and the entire scene.
Are these already prints that you are scanning into the computer? If so, that would explain the softness of the images and possibly the slight colorcasts as well. The composition is ok here, but i feel the mill is too centered. moving it over to the right a bit would get a better balance. This for me is an improvement over the first.
Gary - The original print is far nicer than the scanned image. My old scanner used to scan well with Win98 but I had to use drivers which are incorrect in order to make it work with Win XP. I have my eye on a new Epson which will scan from prints or negatives (35mm or 6x6). Soon my scanned images with be more representitive of the actual print.
Shooting B&W with:
a Yashica 635, 120 roll - 80mm Yashinon lens and an Agfa Billy 0 (Zero) 127 roll - Solinar 7.5cm lens
Shooting color with:
a Yashica-Mat, 120 roll - 80mm Lumaxar lens and a Canon FTb, 135 roll - 55mm and 85mm FD lenses
I'll be honest, I prefer your first picture you posted. The colors seem a tad off for me...was this scanned from film? The blue is a wonderful hue, though it seems the whole picture kind of has a bluish tint on it. A little tight on the crop, but it's not as bad as it could be.
Well done and another good pic.
Jar - I agree that the scanned image is off .... old Epson 636U which 6 years ago did a very nice job with Win98 but does not do well with Win XP. There are no drivers for XP so I am cheating by using others ... with mixed results. Soon I hope to get the new Epson Perfection 4490 with ICE (Sounds like a great break through and the 4490 will also scan 35mm and MF). It will suit me to a "T" whereas my Yashicaflex 635 shots both 35mm and 120. May sound odd but I have set aside my late model Yashica MAT 124G (1980 ish) in favor of the Yashicaflex 635 (1968 ish). I aquired a Gossen Lunapro w/ angle attachment and find I get much nicer results with the Gossen than using the Mat 124G's built in meter.
I just got the 635 back from Mark Hama (former Yashica factory employee) after he did a CLA on the unit plus he replace the 3 element Yashikor lens with the improved 4 element Yashinon lens. Much improved results and much easier to view do to the improved viewing Yashinon lens. I may wait until I get the new scanner before I post any more pictures.
Shooting B&W with:
a Yashica 635, 120 roll - 80mm Yashinon lens and an Agfa Billy 0 (Zero) 127 roll - Solinar 7.5cm lens
Shooting color with:
a Yashica-Mat, 120 roll - 80mm Lumaxar lens and a Canon FTb, 135 roll - 55mm and 85mm FD lenses
First of all, congrats for going MF! That's something I never dared to venture into yet I am drawn by it....
I like your composition but the picture seems a litle too soft and there seems to be a color cast. I think that you could enhance the final product with a little post processing.
Seb - I am really happy that I made to move to MF ... or better stated re entered MF. Years ago I shot with a an old Kodak which used 620 and it produced 6x9. Unfortunately it was stolen but as things had worked out 620 film and 6x9 pose problems today. The Kodak used an Ektar lens and took crystal sharp pictures. The Yashicas with Yashinon lens also take sharp pictures both center and outer edges. I don't think the bang for the buck can be beat. My Yasihcaflex 635 cost $78, a damaged Mat 124 with good Yasihnon lens cost $25 and Mr. Hama's work (CLA, removal of Yasihkor and installation of the Yashinon lens was $107. The 635 was dusty / dirty but in mint (10 on a 10 scale) and Mr. Hama reports the working interior shows no usage as well. For all intent proposes I have a new 1958 Yashicaflex 635 (which shots 35mm and 120) with later model, vastly improved 4 element Yashinon lens for $210. If there is more bang for the buck out there I haven’t seen it. My next investment will be a new XP compatible scanner. The new Epson Perfection 4490 looks like a good one.
Shooting B&W with:
a Yashica 635, 120 roll - 80mm Yashinon lens and an Agfa Billy 0 (Zero) 127 roll - Solinar 7.5cm lens
Shooting color with:
a Yashica-Mat, 120 roll - 80mm Lumaxar lens and a Canon FTb, 135 roll - 55mm and 85mm FD lenses
Hi, Keltic. Please let me know when you have had the opportunity to try out your new Epson scanner. I stopping using my MF about 3 years ago because I couldn't see me putting more film through it that I couldn't digitize. At that time, I did not want to spend $2k on a medium format film scanner.