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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    houston, texas, u.s.a

    interesting maybe ?

    taken from the passenger seat of the soccer mum van..

    across the driver seat around 70 mph.

    mt. st. helen's obviously.

    i know it has no interesting specs per se but for a shot on the fly, from inside the car, i think we were possibly around 200 miles or more away en route to seattle.

    we were entering washington state from oregon via utah/idaho so we were in the extreme south east corner-ish of wa. state.

    as you can see there are sprinklers going to water the grape vines. this was very early august and as i am not too au fait with the area, if one follows through you can guess abouts where we are. i think it was fairly early into the state but i thought my co-pilot got a decent shot. she took 4-5 and this was the best one. i cropped it a little and tried to cut down on the glare. i know now that with a filter or something we could have gotten something better but for what it was, i really like it.

    comments always welcome.. perhaps a better crop ????

    we had the road in the bottom and more sky in the top so i have cut out a little top and bottom but nothing east and west.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails interesting maybe ?-mt.-st.-helens-car.jpg  

  2. #2
    MB1 is offline
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    Re: interesting maybe ?

    I'd say go for more sky and open up the shadows if you can.

    Not bad at all for a moving vehicle and a great contrast between the foreground and the background.

    I'd say because of the contrast and the lack of a subject in the close foreground this isn't going to be a great landscape image by itself but it is a really good travel/trip shot.
    No, I DON'T need that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    houston, texas, u.s.a

    Re: interesting maybe ?


    here's the original with only the highway cut out.

    i suppose i should have titled the picture irony (an after thought) because the day we actually made the trip to mt. st.helen's it was SO foggy you couldn't see a thing from the observation point.

    so here we were about 200 or so miles away and the only shots we could get of the mountain was this.


    the problem i found was (unfamiliar with photoshop but still working on it) is that to darken the background, i lose the foreground.

    any suggestions would be a help.

    perhaps we should have a thread entitled "pictures from the car window" because heaven knows i got a lot of those. my friend got called back to work early and therefore the hectic trip back from san deigo to seattle in 2 days flat. to avoid the metroplexes we went a faster but longer way back via nevada, arizona (very briefly) utah, idaho orgeon and finally into washington.

    that's ONE heck of a trip.

    ergo MANY photos from the passenger seat of the car.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails interesting maybe ?-mt-st-helens-car-.jpg  

  4. #4
    Just Lurking
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    Re: interesting maybe ?

    threelions, you may want to look at applying a graduated overlay to darken the mountain while leaving the foreground lighter. You can also apply a graduated tint using Picasa which works pretty well.


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    houston, texas, u.s.a

    Re: interesting maybe ?

    Quote Originally Posted by PrevailingConditions
    threelions, you may want to look at applying a graduated overlay to darken the mountain while leaving the foreground lighter. You can also apply a graduated tint using Picasa which works pretty well.

    PC thanks for the tip.

    now if you could first tell me how to open the book of instructions or maybe even point me to the direction as to where i threw them after taking them out of the box !!!

  6. #6
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: interesting maybe ?

    3L - I think you've did good under the circumstances. I'm not sure how I'd change this anyways even if I was standing in a field with a tripod. I do like the higher contrast pic better, even though you lose a heck of a lot of detail in the trees. But there's nothing in those trees that grabs me so I think it's an excellent trade-off. The mountain is a tad out of focus but it adds some mystery. No I would not have recognized it as Mt Saint Helen from this shot btw (guess I'm not a mountain expect ).

    I agree though that if there was a few objects in the foreground that it would raise this shot to the next level. Deer, tractors, etc.

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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    houston, texas, u.s.a

    Re: interesting maybe ?

    thanks GB

    i'll leave as is then.

    my friend will be pleased. it was about a 3 hour drive up to mt. st. helen's on the day we went
    (and 3 hrs back natch !!) and when we got up there, it was as foggy as old time london. (aah i remember those days of youth with, erm, well i'm not sure exactly )

    pity one couple though, who we met as they were going up and we were coming back down. they had been the previous week and conditions were just the same. they took their vacation and went back figuring it couldn't be the same two weeks in a row. it was.

    my friend says on a clear day the view is spectacular.

    my regret was not getting to mt. ranier. it is an aweinspiring view which i am sure northwesterners NEVER tire of seeing as it completely dominates the landscape.


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