Took this one night along a river. I see some problems with it that i know of, I wanted to see how much i notice things about my photos compared to others. I did learn that Walgreens can go to ...... well you know where with developing 35mm prints. This is the scanned negative though, i edited the colors some what. Well the colors are really in the photo i just brought them out, nothing somebody in a dark room would not.
I think it's like those posters you see in business to keep the employees happy when making minimum wage doing data entry. I could of taken out some of the grass blocking the dog and put in a trunk of a tree but i did not want to do much photoshop on it as i just got this camera while back and wanted to just let the camera do the work and my camera skill. There is alot of space in the middle and sky i know that, more of like looking to the stars for an answer or seeing how big the world is and just how great being a part of it is was the idea when i took it. If anybody is interested here is a comparison i did about walgreens
50mm - Pentax Sears 35mm SLR - cost me $5
200 ISO Fuji Film
Thanks for looking and comment however you like i am trying to become pro.