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Thread: Ice Wagon

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Ice Wagon

    C&C appreciated much. I tried to think about composition in these recent shots posted today. Though this one is tight, it's tight in a different way, I think. Does it work for you? In spite of the blown highlight...

    Edit: I seem to have lost some of the detail in the wheel in uploading.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Ice Wagon-img_7242-medium-.jpg  

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  2. #2
    To Capture the Mind! MarcusK's Avatar
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    Re: Ice Wagon

    Well, first off, the image seems to bit slightly tilting to the left. barely, but it's there.

    Second, the blown out highlight does not hurt much, seeing as it leads the eye down to the wheel, which I feel is the most interesting part of the image.

    While the tight crop might work for some, I think having the whole wagon, with it's faded coloring contrasting a white, snowy and icy background would have a better effect.

    Otherwise, I am sorry to say, that I have nothing to say.

    If you can reshoot (and no I have no interest in having your suffer the cold) it would be worth having a wider shot!

    Hope this helps.

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  3. #3
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Ice Wagon

    Paula - there's some good elements here. I like the wheel, the ice hanging down, and the snow. Somehow though, the overall composition doesn't quite do it for me, but it's really difficult to explain why with this image ... maybe death by a thousand cuts, say because the trees showing in the background add too many elements, the far left wheel is there but cut off, no clear subject, etc. All very small things but perhaps they add up.

    Any more of this subject from different angles?

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  4. #4
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    Re: Ice Wagon

    Worthy subject for sure!
    I think it is too tight though. Also seems quite soft and with the contrast of the colors and snow, I want sharp contrast. Did you sharpen after down-sizing?
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  5. #5
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    Re: Ice Wagon

    Quote Originally Posted by Frog
    Worthy subject for sure!
    I think it is too tight though. Also seems quite soft and with the contrast of the colors and snow, I want sharp contrast. Did you sharpen after down-sizing?

    I sharpened before downsizing -- it makes a difference? I couldn't get any wider or shoot other angles because of some bad things going on in the background and ornamental grass growing right next to it. Darn. Thanks!

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  6. #6
    Member Bretm1's Avatar
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    Re: Ice Wagon

    My first comment on the forum. (I am a rookie but will do my best) Nice subject. I can see why you were drawn to it. What hit me first was the overall color saturation. It seems overexposed a bit. Did you use a flash? I am finding that I am prone to over-cropping to either frame it or pop something out, but I would have liked to see more of the other wheel and some more horizontal action (if that makes sense)

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