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Hmm. There are definitely some decent elements here, and I like the placement of the kid and reflection. On the improvement side, wish the silhouette was a bit more action-full. I also played with the image and find it more interesting with the background cropped out, the mountains and sky are eliminated. I think that this crop may eliminate visual clues and make it more mysterious.
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Great idea and good in mono, but I may have twisted to the side to get the glare of the sun out of the way, and as mentioned previously, maybe had more of an action shot.
Please have a look and leave a comment or three...
I like what you've done with this, the black ice is terrific.
I would have liked a bit more profile rather than this rear 3/4 view.
That subtle lean forward implies the motion, it would have been asy to amke it look statid by being upright.
Same goes for the position coming into the light from the left.
I think you have two images here, with and without the background sky and hills.
Without the background context it is a much more mysterious image, and much darker feel.