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I like the color version better. The black and white conversion isn't so great and the amount of color left is so small it's barely noticeable so I don't think it's a very effective creative application. Next time you do a black and white conversion try using the Cannel Mixer tool in Photoshop. It's the best way to get good black and white from digital images.
And besides the conversion not working so well, your model's skin and hair are sooooo wonderful that I don't like to see them lost. That might end up working against you in some photos where you do want to get more creative.
Your not alone John. I'm always getting told off for converting Danielle to B&W but I still do it. LOL.
I used the gradient map and levels.
I see what you mean about the channel mixer. Wow! Thanks for that tip!
I used the gradient map and levels.
I see what you mean about the channel mixer. Wow! Thanks for that tip!
Happy to help! I would also recommend using more green in channel mixer because it will make the pink in her cheeks pop out. More red will kill the reds in her skin.
I haven't ever used the gradient map. I will have to check it out. See - we all get to learn!
I just tried increasing the green in the channel mixer.Wow!!!
That is so cool!!!
I meant in black and white. There's a check box at the bottom of the Channel Mixer dialogue box to make it monochromatic. Then using the sliders replicates using colored filters and black and white film. Do you have Elements or the full version of Photoshop? If you have the full version, try using adjustment layers. They allow you to save your adjustments as separate layers so you can go back and edit them any time you want. You can also add masks to your adjustment layers. As far as photography goes, that's where the real power of Photoshop is.
Yeah, well it worked great with the colour version lol.
I have PS CS
I think I need a private lesson ;)
Aha!!! Check the monochrome and then uncheck it to get the filters. ( I knew about the monochrome bit. I just didn't realise I had to uncheck it again).