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I can hear the sighs of envy over The Beamer there. And here's a great shot...well....would probably have been a great action shot if I had been there to see it happen. Of course, it probably just got run over by the Vespa! And you guys thought I couldn't keep up with the big dogs!
Good eye! This image looks like you used a "Dali" filter! He. He. He. This image is another of your wry takes on the world which has made me smile. It almost looks good enough to ride away on if weren't for those wheels. Thanks for sharing!
Although the BMW in the first is gorgeous as far as shots go I'll take the second one ;) I agree with the Dali refrence, the bike looks like it's melting. Good job.
"There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have." Nelson Mandela
Loves the 2nd pic ... great color and framing . But it does create a tinge of sadness tho , its like prompting me to thoughts about what has happened to this bike or was there an accident ??
You guys are funny! CL gets my humor. I was kidding on the first altogether. A vespa (BMW or otherwise) is still a vespa. Not quote the motor sport we see around here. The second shot, while truly one that I wanted to capture, was just a further play on the rest. But thank you for liking them!