Humpback whale escapes the crocodile river in Australia.-_114361848_12657200-3x2-xlarge.jpg

A humpback whale that misplaced a crocodile-infested river in Australia has returned to sea safely.The whale was first spotted in the Northern Territory (NT) a slotxo week ago, raising fears of being caught in shallow water or hit by a boat.Two others swim briefly in the East Alligator River before returning to the maritime evacuation.The rest of the whales are trying to find a way out at the weekend during high tide, Parks Australia said on Monday.

It was the first known humpback whale in a river in Kakadu National Park on the northern coast of the country.Authorities monitored the last whale closely as it was found that 30km (18.5 miles) of people were on board.Due to its large size, it is considered a humpback unlikely to be slotxo disturbed by an alligator unless it is stuck.There's no way we can lift a humpback whale 12-16 meters from the dunes, and that's likely when the croc kicks in, scientist Carole Palmer told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation last week.The last thing we want is boat-whale clashes in crocodile-prevalent waters and zero underwater visibility, Park Australia added in a statement.Authorities have banned boats along part of the river to clear the path to the ocean.

On Monday, officials said the whale appeared to be in good shape after swimming into Van Diemen Bay.This is the best outcome one can expect. Palmer, who works for the NT government, said.

How did the whales get there?

Dr Palmer said they were not sure why the whales flew off the country's north coast.Thought they were heading south to Antarctica. But accidentally enters the slotxo mouth of the river, which leads them upstream into the river system.Whales migrate to warmer waters outside Australia in the spring to give birth before heading back to Antarctica for food. lines presentYou may be interested in: