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Firstly, I would have preferred a much lower perspective. Next time, get as low as you possibly can, even if it means lying down on the mud/grass/dirt. Believe me, your photographic result will be terrific! :yesnod: This is because anyone who views the photo will feel more "connected" with the eye-level subject, and cause them to like the photo.
If the bird is flying (or swimming, walking), leave more space in front of it rather than behind, so the bird appears to be "moving into the picture". If it is "moving out", then the viewer's eye will consequently move out – and stay out. Also try to have the subject's eye look at or near to the camera lens. Sometimes by rapidly raising and lowering a hand, then quickly snapping the shutter-button works.
There is a diagonal white out-of-focus bar running across the upper-left corner of the shot you posted here. It's somewhat distracting.
But – not too bad a job for a starter effort! :thumbsup: