Please post no more than five images a day and respond to as many images as you post. Critics, please be constructive, specific, and nice! Moderated by gahspidy and mtbbrian.
By posting on the Photo Critique forum you agree to post only your own photos, be respectful, and give back as much as you receive. This is a moderated forum and anything abusive or
off-topic will be removed.
Kinda noticed you are posting quite a few shots for critque but haven't seen you give any feedback critiques on any other shots would be nice if it worked both ways just a thought
Kinda noticed you are posting quite a few shots for critque but haven't seen you give any feedback critiques on any other shots would be nice if it worked both ways just a thought
I don't comment much in the critique forum myself, but I do look at almost all of the photos posted. When I see your name on a new post, I know it's an image that I want to see, whether I comment or not. Your style of portraits are wonderful and I would hate to not see them posted here anymore. You always capture so much emotion in your images, and this one is no exception.
"I thought that because fewer wolves meant more deer, that no wolves would mean hunters' paradise. But after seeing the green fire die, I sensed that neither the wolf nor the mountain agreed with such a view."
Aldo Leopold
This photo kinda bores me simply because the subjects look bored, they don't look sad or that they are waiting it looks like they are taking a break from walking.
Don't stop posting your photos! I think they are fantastic! You have a good eye and I'd hate to stop seeing your photo's. It would be nice though if you could pass on your experience and skill in portraits and pass that on to others in the form of critiquing others work.
As for your photo, I can't find too much to critique either. Keep posting!
George Zimbel: Digital diahhrea is a disease for which there is a simple cure. Take one frame of a scene. It is exquisite training for your eye and your brain. Try it for a month. Then try it for another month…then try it for another month…..
I've been there, done that, in oncology waiting rooms with my Father.
Believe me after a while it does get boring, and you go beyond the initial sadness.