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  1. #1
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    High Tide on the Marsh. . .which one is best

    I shot these just alittle while before sunset and there was a nice warm mood on the water. horse shoe crabs moving about, and a certain "quiet" that I would actually describe as a sound all unique and beautiful in itself. I personally like these both but I do have a favorite that I'm leaning towards. However there are aspects in both that I .like and wish that all were included in the onbe I like best. I would really like to know, even if the general opinion is that neither image is very strong, which of these is a better one.
    Lets see, the technicals were fuji superia 200, tamron 28-75mm shot at about 28 or 30 mm,circ polarizer,tripod and cable release set with mirror lock up as I usually do on these landscape shots. Even though that might be a bit overkill on a wide angle lens with a shutter speed that was about 1/125. (It can never be too sharp, if thats what one is going for)
    All comments appreciated . . . .
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails High Tide on the Marsh. . .which one is best-seascape0504-301603xweb.jpg   High Tide on the Marsh. . .which one is best-seascp0504-101604xweb.jpg  
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Toledo, Ohio
    I like the clouds and weeds better in the second photo, but I like the rocks and water in the first photo. So for me it's a toss up. Your horizons are a bit off but no big deal. Yes, they are tack sharp so keep using MLU.

  3. #3
    It's hurricane season... again...
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    Hi Gary, I think that the second one is more balanced. The colors are nicer IMO and the clouds add interest. Nice work!
    Canon Bird Nerd #2

  4. #4
    Jared Pose's Avatar
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    I'm leaning towards the second one..the clouds and lighting in the background really do it for me. My only nitpick is the disturbance in the water in the lower right hand corner.
    Good work.

  5. #5
    Ex-Modster Old Timer's Avatar
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    Tough one here

    Tough one here. As others have pointed out the sky in two is a keeper, but the lower half just doesn't have an area that really grabs the eye and pulls it into the image. In the first photo I like the rocks and the way they extend into the water and of course the way the light plays off them. If the second was cropped a little tighter at the bottom it might get my vote but for now I'm going with #1. Nice post.
    Last edited by Old Timer; 05-26-2004 at 06:09 AM.

  6. #6
    Senior Member shesells's Avatar
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    Cool eenie meenie...

    Hmm, these are really two very different pictures. The first shot looks like I could just walk out in the water and go crabbing. You can see through the shallow water to the bottom of the lake. The water is calm , the sky is calm, it seems later in the day. Every one else has gone home and you could be the only one there (except for the boat on the far shore). Peaceful easy feeling...
    In the second shot, the boat must have left because its out of the picture and you can see the wake it caused. Because it's shot from further back and from a higher spot, you don't feel like you are as much a part of the scene as the first shot. Instead it gives the feeling of space (which I like too), that is, it would give that feeling if your eyes weren't constantly drawn back to the water movement.
    So, it's a toss up. If you were going to give me one, my choice would depend on what mood I was in that day. Today, I'd go for #1.
    Techinically, the second one looks sharper, fresher.
    The End...Kit

  7. #7
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the comments and points. . . My choice here is the first one as I really like the rocks right out in the foreground and feeling like I'm in the scene.
    Oldtimer, thanks I think we see the same thing here
    SheSells, thanks for the time to comment. About the boat out in the distance, it was still there in the second image just that it was out of the frame to the right. The second image had a view deeper towards the left.
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  8. #8
    We just can't have nice things... darkrainfall's Avatar
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    It seems as though you already made your choice and I concur... I originally thought the second one was the better of the two, but that decision was based mainly on the sky... however, a second glance shows that the rocks in the first really pull you into the picture, even if the sky isn't as pretty as the second.
    The mud at the bottom of the second is a bit distracting as well...

  9. #9
    Paint with Light PuckJunkey's Avatar
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    I would say the first variant has the most appeal, for a couple of reasons. First, by being in closer at a wide angle it gives the rock formation a more integral role in the composition. In the second shot, they're far away / small enough that they seem sort of incidental. The also tend to split the frame in the second shot whereas in the first they tend to lead your eye into the frame.

    I would say though, that what I might do different next time is to get into that same spot essentially and pan the lens a little more to the right so that the rocks sort of arc from bottom left to top center (more or less). That way you don't have a lot of water to look at both in front of and behind the rocks. As for the sky, the second shot is probably better but not enough to make it the better shot IMO.
    D200 = Digital F100
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  10. #10
    moody stew's Avatar
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    second one - hands down :)


    For me, the second one is the winner. It has more contrast, and the colors seem more vivid. But most importantly, I like the composition better. The rocks, for me, are clearly the focal point, and they draw me in more completely in the second photo. You have also caught the sky at a better place.

    Overall, it's a very nice set of shots, and is very pleasing to look at.

    Cheers, Stew

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by gahspidy
    I shot these just alittle while before sunset and there was a nice warm mood on the water. horse shoe crabs moving about, and a certain "quiet" that I would actually describe as a sound all unique and beautiful in itself. I personally like these both but I do have a favorite that I'm leaning towards. However there are aspects in both that I .like and wish that all were included in the onbe I like best. I would really like to know, even if the general opinion is that neither image is very strong, which of these is a better one.
    Lets see, the technicals were fuji superia 200, tamron 28-75mm shot at about 28 or 30 mm,circ polarizer,tripod and cable release set with mirror lock up as I usually do on these landscape shots. Even though that might be a bit overkill on a wide angle lens with a shutter speed that was about 1/125. (It can never be too sharp, if thats what one is going for)
    All comments appreciated . . . .
    Hello Gary,

    I am with Stew and Kkraczek on that one.

    Both pictures are very well made. I feel that you have an eyes for capturing scenes that some people (myself included) may just miss. Both pictures are appealing but I'd say that I would go with the second one because of the better balance like it was already said.



  12. #12
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Thanks again for all the comments. . . It is very interesting to see how there is almost a 50/50 split on which would be the stronger image.As Stew had pointed out, i also like the second one for it's contrast and sky , but I favor the first because of it's composition as I feel the rocks are the clear subject and gives on the feeling of being in the scene.
    I really am not crazy about keeping two images of almost an identical scene and was hoping for a clear cut winner. But I find myself liking both for different reasons and think I will just keep them both and add them to a series of images I have been doing around this marsh.
    Thanks again for all the feedback. . .
    please do not edit and repost my photos


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