This is a cactus wren whose picture I took on a recent trip out to west Texas. I kind of liked the brown color scheme here as he is a desert bird and brown reminds me of the desert. I also wanted to depict how he we high above everything else in the surrounding desert to make sure his call was heard and that he could see any other birds in his territory. For such small birds, these guys can really make some noise.
Technical details:
Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT w/EF 500mm f/4.5L USM lens
f/8; 1/500 sec, ISO 200
This image is a crop containing about 85% of the original frame.
Post processing included the crop, a small adjustment to the levels and some USM sharpening. Since this shot was taken in direct sunlight andin jpg mode I set the in-camera parameters for low contrast so hopefully the contrast here doesn't look too harsh.
Thanks for looking,