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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Pittsburgh, PA

    Cool help with noise (bad bird photo)

    I shot this at ISO 400, but I can't seem to get rid of the noise. What do you suggest here? i tried using a despeckle filter and a sharpen filter, but neither has helped much.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails help with noise (bad bird photo)-shrunkbird.jpeg  
    Feel free to edit/re-post my photos as you like

    Nikon Samurai #28

  2. #2
    Senior Member cyberlord's Avatar
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    Mar 2006
    FWB, FL, USA

    Re: help with noise (bad bird photo)

    It's not so much the noise as the image is soft. When you crop an image that is soft you just can't get any more detail out of it.

    When shooting handheld try to brace the camera or yourself to help steady the camera.

    What lens and settings were used to take this photo? I notice a slight chromatic aberrationaround the bird.

    My blog - Photography Rulez

    'Slim' - K10D and *ist DL w/ SMCP DA 70mm 2.4 Limited, SMCP-DA 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6, SMC M 28mm f/2.8, SMC M 50mm f/1.7, and Tamron AF75-300mm f/4-5.6 LD Macro
    Slim of the Clan O'Canon - A1 w/ FD 28, 50, 70-210 & Sigma 500/1000 f8/f16

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: help with noise (bad bird photo)

    it looks like you cropped and resized it too much.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Pittsburgh, PA

    Re: help with noise (bad bird photo)

    cyberlord: I noticed that aberration too, not sure what it was from. i think i probably zoomed in too much. this was just shot with a small compact digital, (nikon 3200) on autofocus, b/c my 5700 is out of commission until i get my card reader lol. i'll try it again, provided the bird comes back lol, but with less movement.
    Feel free to edit/re-post my photos as you like

    Nikon Samurai #28

  5. #5
    can't Re-member lidarman's Avatar
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    May 2004
    Boulder, Colorado

    Re: help with noise (bad bird photo)

    Quote Originally Posted by echoback
    cyberlord: I noticed that aberration too, not sure what it was from. i think i probably zoomed in too much. this was just shot with a small compact digital, (nikon 3200) on autofocus, b/c my 5700 is out of commission until i get my card reader lol. i'll try it again, provided the bird comes back lol, but with less movement.
    I think you are in the realm of the limits of your camera when you cropped to this level.

    That abberation will limit anything you do other than going drastic and making a pix with some odd contrast or texture. You really can't clean this up at this point...

    You can go abstract....but notice how the glow around the bird is brought out as a border!

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