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Thread: Help with Glow?

  1. #1
    BVC is offline
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    McKinney, Texas

    Help with Glow?

    How can I shoot this shot again and prevent the glow from the Neon signs?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Help with Glow?-neonlights.jpg  

  2. #2
    Paint with Light PuckJunkey's Avatar
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    Well you can't get rid of the glow, strictly speaking. What happens is, in order for your camera to get the proper exposure, it has to leave the shutter open a certain amount (otherwise all the shadow details will remain unseen). Consequently, things that are really bright (especially in a dark room) will tend to "glow" with the longer expsosure.

    There may be some type of lens filter that could reduce the glow, but frankly, it doesn't bother me. One of the coolest things about the picture is the "reflection of the glow" off the table in the foreground....

    One thing you could try: shoot this same scene with a really long shutter speed and a tripod. The effect will be that the lights and the bar and all the "objects" will be stationary (even the glow won't be as easily noticed), while the people will be these "blurry beings" that stretch across the frame (as they walk past you in the background lets say).

    Try that. I bet it would be cool.
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