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Thread: Hello, gang!

  1. #1
    Landscape Photographer thapamd's Avatar
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    Hello, gang!

    Someone told me about this site and suggested that I join and share a few images. Well, here's my first image post. I took this a few years ago at Badwater, Death Valley. Enjoy!

  2. #2
    Ilford Nut Dzerzhinski46's Avatar
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    Re: Hello, gang!

    A great first post! I really like the foreground with the cracked mud flats and everything. The thunderstorm is also great. You certainly seemed to get lucky on this one. I can't think of anything to critique , maybe thats a good thing .

    Welcome to the forum! Hope you enjoy it here.

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  3. #3
    Too square to be hip. almo's Avatar
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    Re: Hello, gang!

    Unbelievable first post dude!

    Breathtakingly beautiful. The rain in the distance really accentuates the mood. I would love to see this in a slight sepia toned B&W.
    John Cowan
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  4. #4
    Senior Member OldSchool's Avatar
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    Re: Hello, gang!

    Welcome to the board.

    What a nice dramatic image you have of an area lower then sea level. You must have shot that this year. I hear that the bloom in Death Valley and the surrounding deserts was just awesome. Nice capture.

    My only suggestion would be to cool the image a little. Though the brown may be true to your eyes, a little bit of blue cast may make that rain look more inviting.

    Best regards,
    Samurai #17 |;^\

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Re: Hello, gang!

    Wow. What an amazing image! Excellent work. I am sure that you must have been justifiably proud when this one came back from the photo lab (or you downloaded it to your computer).

    I love the sense that you could be standing out in the absolute middle of nowhere with the mud flats extending in all directions for ages. Great image.

    What does it feel like to stand out on the mud flats?

  6. #6
    is back jar_e's Avatar
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    Re: Hello, gang!

    Great first shot and welcome to A very nice contrast here, and very well composed! Great subject matter too!

    Nice shot,


  7. #7
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Hello, gang!

    HI and welcome! Been there many times, but never seen a scene like this... Great shot. Did you get wet? I like the low angle and the composition here. The detail is also quite good.


  8. #8
    Landscape Photographer thapamd's Avatar
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    Re: Hello, gang!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dzerzhinski46
    A great first post! I really like the foreground with the cracked mud flats and everything. The thunderstorm is also great. You certainly seemed to get lucky on this one. I can't think of anything to critique , maybe thats a good thing .

    Welcome to the forum! Hope you enjoy it here.

    Thanks, Drew! Glad to be here. Seems like a nice and friendly bunch. Boy, I sure did get lucky with the weather here. It was overcast the entire day, but just in the late afternoon, the sun dipped below the clouds and gave off some amazing light, especially with the distant storming approaching.

  9. #9
    Landscape Photographer thapamd's Avatar
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    Re: Hello, gang!

    Quote Originally Posted by almo
    Unbelievable first post dude!

    Breathtakingly beautiful. The rain in the distance really accentuates the mood. I would love to see this in a slight sepia toned B&W.
    Thanks, Almo! I might try a sepia tone at another time. Thanks for the idea.

  10. #10
    Landscape Photographer thapamd's Avatar
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    Re: Hello, gang!

    Quote Originally Posted by OldSchool
    Welcome to the board.

    What a nice dramatic image you have of an area lower then sea level. You must have shot that this year. I hear that the bloom in Death Valley and the surrounding deserts was just awesome. Nice capture.

    My only suggestion would be to cool the image a little. Though the brown may be true to your eyes, a little bit of blue cast may make that rain look more inviting.

    Best regards,
    Thanks for the suggestion and comment, Tim. Personally I like the warmish look to this image as that's how it was in real life. I see your point, however, and may try it at a later date to see how it grabs me.

  11. #11
    Landscape Photographer thapamd's Avatar
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    Re: Hello, gang!

    Quote Originally Posted by jshowyin
    Wow. What an amazing image! Excellent work. I am sure that you must have been justifiably proud when this one came back from the photo lab (or you downloaded it to your computer).

    I love the sense that you could be standing out in the absolute middle of nowhere with the mud flats extending in all directions for ages. Great image.

    What does it feel like to stand out on the mud flats?
    Thanks, jshowyin! Indeed I was very proud when I saw this downloaded on my monitor. I was grinning from ear lobe to ear lobe. It felt quite lonely, actually, to stand all by myself in the middle of Badwater.

  12. #12
    Landscape Photographer thapamd's Avatar
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    Re: Hello, gang!

    Quote Originally Posted by jar_e
    Great first shot and welcome to A very nice contrast here, and very well composed! Great subject matter too!

    Nice shot,

    Thank you, Jared! I'm happy you enjoyed the image. It's good to be here.

  13. #13
    Landscape Photographer thapamd's Avatar
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    Re: Hello, gang!

    Quote Originally Posted by GB1
    HI and welcome! Been there many times, but never seen a scene like this... Great shot. Did you get wet? I like the low angle and the composition here. The detail is also quite good.

    Thank you, GB! Fortunately I didn't get wet...came very close but I barely made it to my car before the approaching storm hit.

  14. #14
    Member Nina's Avatar
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    Re: Hello, gang!

    That is an amazing image. I love the continous pattern of the mud flats and the darkness behind giving the image an ominous mood. How did you happen to chance upon this? It is an absolute must that you print this! BTW welcome to the forum.

  15. #15
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Hello, gang!

    Welcome to the forum. Excellent shot. Nothing like being in the right place at the right time . . .and then knowing what to do. Great composition and warm colors. . . .I would not change a thing.
    please do not edit and repost my photos


  16. #16
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    Apr 2005

    Re: Hello, gang!

    Really, really nice shot. I really love how your eye starts at the bottom and just looks up the picture until you hot that storm and everything just captures you. Not only do you have those amazing flats and the storm, but the mountains on either side to really direct you attention in and give a grasp of distance. Definitely print and frame this bad boy

  17. #17
    Landscape Photographer thapamd's Avatar
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    Re: Hello, gang!

    Quote Originally Posted by Nina
    That is an amazing image. I love the continous pattern of the mud flats and the darkness behind giving the image an ominous mood. How did you happen to chance upon this? It is an absolute must that you print this! BTW welcome to the forum.
    Thanks, Nina! This was just a case of being at the right place at the right time. I was exploring Death Valley and went to Badwater just at the right time. Everything came together nicely. I was also lucky that there was a recent storm to cause all those salt flats to become a little elevated and give off that nice texture in the FG.

  18. #18
    Landscape Photographer thapamd's Avatar
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    Re: Hello, gang!

    Quote Originally Posted by gahspidy
    Welcome to the forum. Excellent shot. Nothing like being in the right place at the right time . . .and then knowing what to do. Great composition and warm colors. . . .I would not change a thing.
    Thank you, Gary! I'm quite proud of this shot myself. I don't know when I'll get to visit Death Valley again, but at least I'll have this as a nice reminder.

  19. #19
    Landscape Photographer thapamd's Avatar
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    Re: Hello, gang!

    Quote Originally Posted by MTBsSd
    Really, really nice shot. I really love how your eye starts at the bottom and just looks up the picture until you hot that storm and everything just captures you. Not only do you have those amazing flats and the storm, but the mountains on either side to really direct you attention in and give a grasp of distance. Definitely print and frame this bad boy
    Thanks, MTBsSd! I've sold several prints of this image and have a nice large 24 x 36 " version hanging at a local hospital's permanent exhibit.

  20. #20
    Landscape Photographer thapamd's Avatar
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    Seattle, WA

    Re: Hello, gang!

    Quote Originally Posted by prbowhay
    Dear Mahesh:

    Its SO good to see you displaying your work here. You really are a phenomenal photographer and you've inspired me MORE than you know.

    My Very Best to You,
    Hello Penny!

    Thank you for your kind words. It's nice to see a few friendly faces here. I hope to share some of my work with this nice community as the days go by.

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