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George Zimbel: Digital diahhrea is a disease for which there is a simple cure. Take one frame of a scene. It is exquisite training for your eye and your brain. Try it for a month. Then try it for another month…then try it for another month…..
I really like this one. It keeps the eye busy with lots of goodies to look at and wonder about. I really liked how you placed the Juice sign too. The B&W also creates a great mood. This is one of my personal favs of yours. Good work.
I am like Barney Fife, I have a gun but Andy makes me keep the bullet in my pocket..
Thanks Greg. I'm really starting to enjoy my photography now.
George Zimbel: Digital diahhrea is a disease for which there is a simple cure. Take one frame of a scene. It is exquisite training for your eye and your brain. Try it for a month. Then try it for another month…then try it for another month…..
Composed and exposed well. As Greg said there are lots of goodies to look around here. there is an overall ominous mood with that sky and the cranes towering up into it. The few people in the scene keep it interesting from a different perspective. I like the crushed discarded cup on the floor in the fg.
Well done