It has arrived !! How to switch Chrome to your default browser on iOS 14 with a few easy steps.
After Apple released iOS 14 / iPadOS 14 a few months ago. And will be released to general users in the slotxo coming days. One of the new features in iOS 14 is the replacement of the basic browser and email
Recently, Google released an update to the Google Chrome app through the App Store. Chrome slotxo can now be changed to the default browser.
Changing your main browser from Safari to Chrome is as simple as going to your device's "Settings" slotxo menu and scrolling to the "Chrome" app. Tap on the "Default Browser App" menu. And select Chrome
Just like this, we will be able to change the default app from Safari to Google Chrome, but many people may be wondering how to switch to Google Chrome and how slotxo good ?? For users who are already using Google Chrome on their PC or other device, this might be a way to help access the information. Or data syncing is easier For example, you can access passwords saved in your account on Google Chrome.
But with each app, slotxo browser or email Will be able to enter options to change it as the default app Not a typical app that can. Must be certified Or pass Apple standards and specifications first
With again soon Email apps like slotxo Gmail are expected to follow soon. For the ability to change the Gmail app as the default app instead of the Mail app.