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Background is too distracting and their is no emotion from the subject. The bright areas to the left drag me away from the subject and I keep asking myself what is that in the background instead of looking at the subject? Hope that helps
It's clear, sharp focus, with nice separation, but I have to agree with 3bucks, for me the white part of the background is a distraction. I'd consider cropping this in close in a square or 8x10 ratio eliminating the creepy statue, the upper pot and a good deal of the black on the left. Don't be afraid to crop in close, it'll give the shot more impact.
I agree that the background is distracting, but the expression and overall lighting of her is good.
This image is very similar to my relative shots. I find that there's a bit of a dilemma when taking such shots: They seem to be OK with informal images, but not formal ones. I would like to pose them so that the background doesn't distract and where the lighting is best, etc, but if seems like a formal shot, then they get skittish. Still trying to find a way to get pix that look better than snapshots without the formality..............
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