Sorry for the cheesy title. Wasn't really sure how much surrounding area to show on this shot as not sure how much context to give to the shot, but I felt that any more just distracted from the main feature. I could have taken a shot with more movement or debris in the water, but I preferred it clean as it is now, but not sure if it's too clean and mirror like. It would be nice to know if you like the shot. As mentioned in my other graffiti shots, I've tried to add something to the graffiti itself (reflection) as opposed to just taking a shot of someone else's art, which to me is akin to taking a photo of a photo. Comments and thoughts would be great.
It works much much better on a black background so please click the link for the large file on black.
Or, alternatively, there's this version which I prefer as it has more realism, and context. And the rocks show that it wasn't photoshopped.
Large link...