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Thread: Gone for Winter

  1. #1
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    Gone for Winter

    I just had to go out and take a few shots last night was 15F - and I froze. This is my favorite, but it was tough going. Any thoughts?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Gone for Winter-dsc_6437_8_9_tonemapped_1.jpg  

  2. #2
    MB1 is offline
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    Re: Gone for Winter

    I like the colors and exposure and the detail in the image.

    The subject is great but to me the composition is too evenly divided between the land and sky. If the subject is the sky I want more of it, if the subject is the frozen marina I want it to be a little closer to me and more of it in the frame.

    Still in spite of the cold (which I didn't experience) it is a very worthy subject and image,
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  3. #3
    Woe is me! wfooshee's Avatar
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    Re: Gone for Winter

    To me, cluttered foreground. I like the exposure, the colors, the sense of "end-of-day," with the sunset color, some lights coming on, yet still enough light to see the buildings.

    If it were mine, I would crop it to remove the bridge on the left, and about the bottom quarter of the image, removing a lot of empty space at the bottom, especially bottom right. I would put the utility pole just out of frame to the left, Put the first horizontal pier just out of frame to the bottom, and keep the sky for those colors and the sense of time of day. You still have the town scene, the trees, and a less overwhelming sense of the frozen marina and river.

    If I were there, I might have walked out on the pier (if it were permitted) and just shot across the river, using those piers to convey the coldness of the water with an uncluttered foreground.

  4. #4
    MB1 is offline
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    Re: Gone for Winter

    Quote Originally Posted by wfooshee View Post
    ...If it were mine, I would crop it to remove the bridge on the left, and about the bottom quarter of the image, removing a lot of empty space at the bottom, especially bottom right. I would put the utility pole just out of frame to the left, Put the first horizontal pier just out of frame to the bottom, and keep the sky for those colors and the sense of time of day. You still have the town scene, the trees, and a less overwhelming sense of the frozen marina and river.....
    I see what you are saying and somewhat agree although I wouldn't crop from the left quite so much, I like how the utility pole looks like a cross and would keep it in frame.
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  5. #5
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    Re: Gone for Winter

    Nice soft light and colours, but the composition lets it down for me. My eyes don't quite know where to look.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member OldClicker's Avatar
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    Re: Gone for Winter

    I'm seeing purple snow - am I the only one? - Terry
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  7. #7
    MB1 is offline
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    Re: Gone for Winter

    Quote Originally Posted by OldClicker View Post
    I'm seeing purple snow - am I the only one? - Terry
    Yes, but that is the color you get at twilight.
    No, I DON'T need that.

  8. #8
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    Re: Gone for Winter

    Quote Originally Posted by OldClicker View Post
    I'm seeing purple snow - am I the only one? - Terry
    I must say I did take a wee bit of an artistic license with this one ... the snow did have a cast to it, but perhaps not so much ...I made this photo to suit my mood, I suppose ...which may not have done that well representing reality :-( I will work on making one more white to see what it looks like as well :-)

  9. #9
    n8 is offline
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    Re: Gone for Winter

    Right up my ally. I agree about the snow (just posted one with the same "issue"), but if we're not going for PJ (photo journalism, not the boss), then I think creative licence is allowed.
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  10. #10
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    Re: Gone for Winter

    Here is one with less purple ...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Gone for Winter-dsc_6437_8_9_tonemapped2_1.jpg  

  11. #11
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Gone for Winter

    This is a tough one because there seems to be a shot here, but that doesn't make the foreground any less cluttered. The telephone poles and lines don't help either, but could be removed digitally. Trying to think how you may have composed it differently without freezing first .. maybe by shooting through one of those tires, using it as a natural frame? Not sure. Anyway, nice sky.

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