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Rule books are paper they will not cushion a sudden meeting of stone and metal. --Ernie Gann-- What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. --Oscar Wilde--
Very nice.
I'm not an expert but, as I see it this is very balanced, sharp.The reflection is stunning.The mood is great, If this was mine.I would be proud.Nice work.
Thanks for your recent tips, advice.
Very nice glow and the background has a nice hazy feel to it. I wish it had a little more space at the bottom so that I could see more of the reflections, which really add to the shot.
The shot looks very peaceful. I think not having people in the shot helps - makes me feel like they're all sleeping.
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Feel free to edit and repost my photos as part of your critique.
Thanks for the comments. I was very limited as to where I could stand for this shot. It was taken from a floating dock, I had all of the room I wanted left and right, but only about 3 feet fore and aft. All I had in my hand was my G2, this is as wide as it would go.
Rule books are paper they will not cushion a sudden meeting of stone and metal. --Ernie Gann-- What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. --Oscar Wilde--
Thanks for the comments. I was very limited as to where I could stand for this shot. It was taken from a floating dock, I had all of the room I wanted left and right, but only about 3 feet fore and aft. All I had in my hand was my G2, this is as wide as it would go.
I like the shot as well. More reflection would be nice but as you said the G2 only goes so wide. I have the wide angle attachment for the G2 which makes some difference. I bought the attachemtn before I had my first DSLR otherwise I would not have spent so much on the glass.
Anyway, the location and subject are nice and I like the composition. My only concern is that brown layers of haze. In Los Angeles, we call that SMOG and I'm not Photoshop expert enough to remove it.
I like the softness and subtle colors creating a soothing mood. i would wish for a little looser crop, but i know you most likely were trying to isolate these boats from the other extraneous elements going on around them.
I think this shot has great potential. Very nice. I would probably tweak the contrast a bit to bring out the color/ or burn some of the image in parts to sort of get rid of the slight haze that it has.
Really it is a fantastic image however, very nicely done.