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As I write this, the image has 35 views and 0 comments. I think that may be the result of people looking at the image, but being unsure what to make of it. Perhaps the oil paint (?) type filter may put some barriers up for critique. Most of us feel more comfortable offering a few technical tips vs. an "artistic" critique of a painting.
I noticed that you shot with a Soligor lens on a D40, so the exposure would be manual, right? I've tried that with poor results, so I commend your efforts. You seem to have mastered the technique. As to the photo, I think two things might help: 1) a square crop from the top to cut down on a little of the foliage; and 2) sharpening the cat's eye, which is really the most important thing in the frame.
Thanks for posting and giving me a chance to think about your photo. It helps me get better.
Thanks Lava. The only filter I used on this is a noise reduction filter. Most of my lenses are manual now. I really like to play with exposure and manual focus (I have two relatively new Nikkors with auto-exposure but manual focus on the D40). It's all in fun for me. I thank you for your comment.
Thanks Lava. The only filter I used on this is a noise reduction filter. Most of my lenses are manual now. I really like to play with exposure and manual focus (I have two relatively new Nikkors with auto-exposure but manual focus on the D40). It's all in fun for me. I thank you for your comment.
Interesting. So is the grainy/painterly look something your lenses and exposure choice is creating? I took it for a paint filter in Photoshop.
Nice of him to pose for you! Good timing, capture. There seems to be a smear of light across the area just to the right of the eye, perhaps flare, but it's still OK. I would consider a square crop as the area at the bottom isn't really needed.
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Feel free to edit and repost my photos as part of your critique.