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I had to take a second look, b/c at first it looked way too smooth...and then the "oh" moment came. My main issue is the power line or whatever it may be on top. I enjoy running my photos through filters like this, although I may opt for a bit more texture and a rougher border.
mostly Nikon gear
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Thanks N8. I converted my photo with this effect because I felt that it may be too plain as is. I post it here for you to compare see and compare to. I agree that removing the wires would simplify the image, but the thing I worry about there is power (or telephone) poles without wires - that may look a little odd, would it not..? I really don't know. There was a big bee hive at this place btw. I was lucky not to alarm them.
Here's the original:
Photography Software and Post Processing Forum Moderator. Visit here!
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I think the effect (looks like watercolor) works really well here, and I'm not usually a fan of much post-processing. Agree with N8 about the power line. You original posted has somewhat different framing than the final which affects the comparison - view of final is shifted right compared to original.
I agree that removing the wires would simplify the image, but the thing I worry about there is power (or telephone) poles without wires - that may look a little odd, would it not..? ]
Get rid of those too! Phil put it out it a topaz? I've got to work simplify quite a bit get decent "painted" results. But speaking of topaz, I bet running it through adjust would de-plain it.
mostly Nikon gear
Feel free to edit my images for critique, just let me know what you did.
I was going to say the first looked too edited, I was going to ask if you could post one that was more raw, less processing. I thought the second one WAS processed, and just now I realize that it says the original! I love the original, I think it's a beautiful picture that captures the simplicity and wonder of an abandoned building such as this.
Thanks fellows ... it was a Topaz filter, though there's other built-in filters in PS and Corel that do the same thing. One thing I dislike about filters is when it's obvious that you used a particular one from a particular vendor (right out of the tube ), so I try to mod it a bit to deviate from the norm. I can remove those lines AND the poles.
The original shot isn't quite original - I actually desaturated it by about 50% to give it a faded feeling, much like how the old building is old and faded out, pretty much how that whole stretch of road is between the Guadalupe mtns and El Paso (Montana Avenue) ... a lot of junkyards, construction facilities and places that have been sitting for sale pretty much forever. An issue I had was shooting it in mid-day sun - harsh, unflattering to photography - but as I said elsewhere , it's impossible to time all my stops at sunrise or sunset, or I would be moving 10 miles a day
I love these old deserted, falling-apart buildings
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