On another photo site I frequent I was recently reminded of a nice old lens I have but haven't used in a little while. So for last night's evening skate ski I brought a pack and carried my Pentax A*300mm f/4 which is a fairly substantial hunk of glass and metal. I also brought my K-5, a couple of other primes, and my tripod.
I had a spot in mind that I wanted to make it to before the moon came up but I got off to a late start. That late start led me to a very hard cardio workout trying to make it in time but I still didn't. So I changed my plan and found an alternate spot where I could catch the moon (as well as my breath) a little higher with some foreground interest. But the dynamic range was too great to get any moon detail in combination with foreground so I decided to use the moon's light but not the actual moon. I like it but I also really want to be at that spot at the right time for another full moon. Maybe next month...
IMGP1034 by MattB.net, on Flickr