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Amber - The idea is good, but the execution isn't real good on this one. The lighting seems dull and the composition doesn't make too much sense to me.. why have the prints going out of the scene like that, with the big empty space at the top (with fading DOF)? I realize you didn't make the prints and were only capturing what you found, but there may have been a better vantage point to take this from - try very very low in the sand, with one of the prints just in front of the (wide angle) lens and maybe the sun rising in the background.
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I'm thinking a big ol' crop from the top so there are only 2 foot prints and a bit of the sea foam. As it is I agree with GB1 about the top of the frame being empty and soft.
I agree with some of the others thoughts here in that the footprints are a good subject but they need to lead the eye into something interesting in the scene. Even if it must be the sea and horizon. Or, you could just zoom in real close and make one footprint the subject.