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My quota for the day. I'm fairly happy considering the conditions and the camera/lens limitations. I'd like to pretend that the noise was wanted, but I wish it were a little sharper and richer. However, I didn't do any PP except cropping.
Flower girl is very interesting and i like the costume especially that headpiece with mask.
I don't mind grain/noise ( i like it actually) i see issues with the color balance (looks like a greenish tint here) was there flourescent lighting around?
you might try auto color in PS or another software. . . OR. . i think this has potential to look very good in b&w.
I do like the first composition most of the tight crop/portrait. the other is bordering on being too busy and I did not immediately see the girl in the flowers. . .
Good creativity here
I like the second best, but agree the eyes need to be fixed, very creative, and nice work.
Feel Free TO EDIT My Photos, But Please Tell Me Why
I have gone over to the dark side, no more film.
Canon T2i, 18-135 IS
Digital Point&Shot - Canon Powershot A470
Thanks for the comments all. This was at the Waterfire event in Providence. This girl and other performers who were painted /dressed like statues(Greek gods and Gargoyles) were lit from spot and flood lighting which I'm fairly sure were incandescent.
Here is an attempt at a B&W in Picassa. Hmmmm. Don't know.
I do like the B&W but it would require more work than what is automatically applied via Picasa or even PS to find it's true potential. I prefer the color and would also prefer slightly different lighting. It's just too "on camera" flash for me. But I'm a total drama queen, given to oversaturation, too much contrast, and close cropped headshots more reminiscent of a beheading than a portrait. Given that, I think your capture is great. The second one is the one I would want to frame.