Hi, I was browsing my pics, and this ones sort of stand out.
This ones were taken with a Kodak something point & shoot camera:
This one I took when we started on a mountain bike ride to Valle de Bravo...
This one was a small lake during the ride...
This one is at the top of Monte Alto, which is very close to Valle de Bravo, that shows by the lake.
This pic was taken with a Canon A520 point and shoot:
This one shows the start of a long climb. The road starts to the left, and after about 2 miles it passes on the top of this photo (this part can't be seen)...
This pic was taken with a Canon SD 700 IS point and shoot:
This one is from my sister and niece...
This pic was taken with my Sony Alpha:
Actually, I was just testing some settings on the camera when I shot this, but I sort of liked the composition (but I think that my cousin was guetting tired of me shooting her):