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Thread: First Try

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    First Try

    So I've had a DSLR for about a year now and it's first camera beyond a P&S. Definitely the first time I've learned and tried anything beyond the full auto mode. A couple of friends of mine were doing some bicycle racing that I wasn't going to be riding in. I thought it would be fun to try my hand at some actual "sports photography". I've been shooting mostly indoor sports photography for the last year, which really means I've got a new toddler and I've been getting as many pictures as I can.
    So I read a little bit more on some beginner guides and must know guides to see if there was anything major I was missing. In my head, I think everything was fairly clear. I just needed to get out there, try some things, and see how it came out. As an added bonus, it was scheduled to rain heavily during the race.....and it did. I've got a Canon T2i and I chose to use my 50/1.8. The 50 doesn't have zoom which would have been nice, but it's my best lens. Maybe one of the two kit lenses I have would have worked well for these shots, but whenever I take comparison shots between the lenses the 50 is just so much better. So I headed out to the event, and got set up where I wanted to take the shots. I decided to use full manual mode because I felt I needed a higher shutter speed to capture the action, as well as a wider aperture to separate the subject from the background a little. I thought the pictures would be too confusing if the background was totally in focus. This is an area where there is a lot going on. At the same time, I wanted to use the lowest ISO I could to keep the noise down. I turned on the histogram display mode and took a few shots to get the settings dialed. I don't know much about the histogram except that as far as I know you want it to look like a bell curve towards the center.
    So here are a few of what I think are the better shots. I don't really know much about photoshop, so nothing has been done to these except cropping.
    Looking forward to the feedback, both good and bad.
    I also had to reduce the image size to post them here
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails First Try-2012-03-31_0400resize.jpg   First Try-2012-03-31_0412resize.jpg   First Try-2012-03-31_0438resize.jpg   First Try-2012-03-31_0444resize.jpg   First Try-2012-03-31_0492_edited-1resize.jpg  

  2. #2
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: First Try

    Welcome Buzzaro.

    I think they show a creative eye. I like the second from the top the best, as the background's blurred and isolates her better.

    The others are OK, but they may lack something that sets them apart from normal shots. I'm no sports photographer, but I think one must go for action, feeling, and maybe creative angles. The bottom shot has that angle.

    I'm betting that taking photographs of biking's a bit like doing the same with running: you have to look for unusual moments, like them flinging a water cup, etc. Another idea is to zoom in and get expressions: I see you doing this on the middle shot, but perhaps it could be even closer in. Another idea is to pan with the subject with a slower shutter speed (this takes practice) or perhaps purposely shooting a slow enough shutter where they blur a little? Just brainstorming

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  3. #3
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    Re: First Try

    Good first try.
    I agree with GB. There's noting wrong with the shots pe-se but they need to show something haappening other than a person riding a bike.
    Maybe that's why I don't shoot sports but keep at it.
    Keep Shooting!


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  4. #4
    Senior Member hminx's Avatar
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    Re: First Try

    Even though its a little under exposed, the composition makes #2 the pick of these imo. The others are either too close to the bottom of the image or have parts cut off. Looking forward to more of your shots Buzzaro.

    Isn't it a cool thing in nature that the colours never seem to clash...

    I have no issues with you editing my photos

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Re: First Try

    Quote Originally Posted by GB1 View Post
    Welcome Buzzaro.

    I'm betting that taking photographs of biking's a bit like doing the same with running: you have to look for unusual moments, like them flinging a water cup, etc. Another idea is to zoom in and get expressions: I see you doing this on the middle shot, but perhaps it could be even closer in. Another idea is to pan with the subject with a slower shutter speed (this takes practice) or perhaps purposely shooting a slow enough shutter where they blur a little? Just brainstorming

    I thought about slowing the shutter speed and panning to create the blurred effect. Of course I didn't think of that until I was driving home. I was trying to blur the background with DOF and wide aperture. That made focus critical. I found it was difficult with fast moving subjects. Also, with this approach I needed a fast shutter speed to prevent overexposure. It's strange, it all happens really fast and you just have to know how to be ready. On paper, I don't really know anything more about taking pictures than before that day, yet it feels like I do.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Re: First Try

    Quote Originally Posted by hminx View Post
    Even though its a little under exposed, the composition makes #2 the pick of these imo. The others are either too close to the bottom of the image or have parts cut off. Looking forward to more of your shots Buzzaro.
    How do you determine proper exposure ahead of time if you're shooting in manual mode(or any mode)? It was overcast and rainy that day. What I did was get to where I would be taking the pictures. Then took a couple photos and checked the histogram. I adjusted shutter speed to match the aperture I wanted that would give me a rough bell curve.
    Thanks guys for all the input. I'm looking forward to getting out there again.

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