Photo Critique Forum

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Results 1 to 6 of 6
  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

    First Post, Need Lots of Help!

    Hello! I've been reading posts on here for a while, it's been helpful. We just got a scanner and I'm looking forward to the wonderful feedback that you all give. I recently bought a Canon Rebel, I've read a few photography books, but I am very clueless about the technical aspects of photography. I'm hoping to learn! I just posted a few photos of my niece that I recently took. Thanks for any feedback!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails First Post, Need Lots of Help!-abibath1a.jpg   First Post, Need Lots of Help!-abibath2a.jpg   First Post, Need Lots of Help!-abibath3a.jpg  

  2. #2
    GoldMember Lava Lamp's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Olive
    Hello! I've been reading posts on here for a while, it's been helpful. We just got a scanner and I'm looking forward to the wonderful feedback that you all give. I recently bought a Canon Rebel, I've read a few photography books, but I am very clueless about the technical aspects of photography. I'm hoping to learn! I just posted a few photos of my niece that I recently took. Thanks for any feedback!
    Welcome. I like the pics. A lot of folks swear by the Canon Rebel as a starter camera. Keep in mind that the body generally has little impact onthe quality of the photos compared to the lens you put on the camera, the film you use, the processor you pick, and the skill you bring to the table. #1 and #3 could be improved by eliminating the flash shadows. The ways to do it, are to back your subject away from the wall (imposible in a bath tub), don't use flash at all (probably not possible at night), or to use a flash that you can bounce off the ceiling by tilting the head up (probably your best option.) The other suggestion I'd make is to get lower. Your were shooting slightly down at an angle and pics are generally better and more intimate at eye level. Lastly, after you become comfortable with the camera, you could think about psot processing. #1, for example, (which is very cute) might be better in black and white with some selective cropping.

  3. #3
    We just can't have nice things... darkrainfall's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    St. Louis, Missouri
    I think you have a good eye for finding some cute subjects first of all. I especially like the first one, maybe a closer crop would be better, and also, as already stated, try not to use direct flash. Using direct flash tends to produce those bright spots and harsh shadows. You can use the light that is available to you with better results imo, or you can try to bounce the flash off the ceiling to add light. The pictures look a little soft, but I'm thinking that is probably due to the scanner.... One more thing is the angle, if you do get down further it might make for a more pleasing view... play around with different angles and see which ones you like the best. I hope to see more from you.

  4. #4
    Paint with Light PuckJunkey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Across the street from Wisconsin
    I think the third one is a shot you should focus on in terms of what you did right. First you've captured an interesting moment with the baby and not "just a smiling baby / crying baby" type deal, as most will capture. Second, you've framed the shot properly with a miminum of distracting elements that could draw your eye away from the subject. Last but not least, it's in focus where it needs to be. Not bad for a first effort...

    ...keep at it.

    PS - cute kid.

    D200 = Digital F100
    I have achieved nirvana.

  5. #5
    CB Photography CB Photo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    South Carolina, USA

    Nice subject


    I like the 3rd picture as well. You have a wonderful subject to shoot, keep at it.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
    I know the flash isn't fixed, but is this a better crop? The bright spot on the faucet is from the flash? Correct? Thanks for all your help!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails First Post, Need Lots of Help!-abibath1_edited1.jpg  

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