Hi all, this is my first atempt of taking pictures of waterfalls and moving water on my olympus E-510, just after a few tips so please give me back some constructive criticism. the hardest thing i found was not overexposing the sky while having a long shutter speed. i used a polarising filter for all shots and a tripod for the first and last pictures and for the rest i had to use a steady hand. here are the settings i used of each picture all in manual mode iso 100.
picture 1
14mm, 1/2 sec, f22
picture 2
14mm 0.62 sec f16
picture 3
14 mm 1/5 sec f16
picture 4
14 mm 1/2 sec f8
picture 5
14mm 1/2 sec f14
thanks in advance for any advice,