These are the catagories for what I hope will be the first annual " View Finder Awards"
This is for all of 2006, so do your best for your choices.

Funniest Photograph (Include URL)

Favorite Photograph (Include URL)

Most Helpful Poster

Best Thread( Include URL) member you'd want to meet

Best Avatar

Best Forum(Make Sure You Put The Critique Forum!)

Best Forum Moderator(HHHMM! )

Best Technical Advice(Include URL)

Cutest Photograph (Include URL)

Email me your top three votes.
You should be able to do so through here, but just in case, its:
mtbbrian at mtbbrian dot com
You may get an error message in return, but your email WILL go through.

You don't have to provide three votes nor do you have to vote for all categories.
Vote your conscious !
Since I came up with these, no one can complain.
Fair enough?
I'll compile them and post them at the end of the month or so.
Deadline for your votes is 31 January 2007.

Any questions?

And don't forget, Brian's First Rule of Photography...
Have Fun!
This is what the "View Finder Awards" are all about my friends, FUN!
Get it?
Fun It's Contagious! Pass It On!
