Here is a shot from my backyard in Vermont in May. This took a ton of time to get right which anyone who has tried this probably knows. A couple of things, I don't care for the other bug (a beetle of sorts) in the shot but it wasn't listening to me so there he is (like those people you see on the news in the background, no real purpose just there by chance) (hi mom). Anyway, this was taken on a day where we had a lot of rain so I was really happy to get an outdoor shot with some sunshine. I wonder if any of you feel the same way in that once you have a shot like this (though I know it's not perfect) it's hard to get into the same subject again...? Also, I know I could remove the beetle in PS but I don't like making changes except for lighting or color correction, I don't think there is anything wrong with, I'm just lazy, no just kidding, it's not my bag is all. Bee good...?