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What do you think of this composition? Any other comments? - TF
I am no better than you. I critique to teach myself to see.
Feel free to edit my photos or do anything else that will help me learn.
Sony/Minolta - way more gear than talent.
Really great composition OC. LOVE the expression on her face (the little busy-body) and the leaf over her head. Bokah is beautiful on this one and really separates the subject from the background
"I hope we will never see the day when photo shops sell little schema grills to clamp onto our viewfinders; and the Golden Rule will never be found etched on our ground glass."from The mind's eye by Henri Cartier-Bresson
My Web Site: DSLR
Canon 5D; EF100-400 F4.5-5.6L IS USM; EF24-70 F2.8L USM 50mm F1.8 II; EF 100 F2.8 Macro Digital
Canon Powershot Pro 1; Canon Ixus 100
Anbesol - Thanks for the 'red' comment. I'll look at it.
I am no better than you. I critique to teach myself to see.
Feel free to edit my photos or do anything else that will help me learn.
Sony/Minolta - way more gear than talent.
I am no better than you. I critique to teach myself to see.
Feel free to edit my photos or do anything else that will help me learn.
Sony/Minolta - way more gear than talent.
Composition, great, expression great, exposure almost perfect. The only thing that bothers me a little, is I think the bird is just a little dark. A fill flash adjustment is probably just the ticket here.
Rule books are paper they will not cushion a sudden meeting of stone and metal. --Ernie Gann-- What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. --Oscar Wilde--
Second try - A little fake fill flash and got the red out, but is she really sharp enough? - TF
I am no better than you. I critique to teach myself to see.
Feel free to edit my photos or do anything else that will help me learn.
Sony/Minolta - way more gear than talent.
I think it may be a tad soft - - the eyes could be just a little sharper, but I don't think it detracts from the image. Still a great catch, but I'd probably be saying the same thing to myself, and then my therapist would say, "Phil, not everything needs to be perfect to be good".