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Thread: Fashion

  1. #1
    GB1 is offline
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    Did several styles with this model last weekend.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Fashion-dsc_3676_edit1_crop1_1_pp_800.jpg  
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  2. #2
    Senior Member AgingEyes's Avatar
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    Re: Fashion

    Errr...that just looks too bright - not 255 yet but still - to the extent that I find it distracting (a word that I don't use very often in my critique here and anywhere else).Did you want it looks that bright, GB ?

  3. #3
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Fashion

    It is a tad bright, though I'm not sure how much difference it makes as I was shooting her vs the clothes. But if it were a real fashion shoot, yeah... It would probably be unacceptable. The question I have is, why did it blow out like that as I didn't have the lights that close... Hmm.

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  4. #4
    Senior Member AgingEyes's Avatar
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    Re: Fashion

    Quote Originally Posted by GB1 View Post
    , why did it blow out like that as I didn't have the lights that close... Hmm.

    I think it's the exposure. I would look at the dynamic range between the face and the jacket, and the positioning of the light itself. Hopefully if you shoot raw, you can tone down the brightness and recover some details in the jacket.

  5. #5
    Senior Member jetrim's Avatar
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    Re: Fashion

    Quote Originally Posted by GB1 View Post
    It is a tad bright, though I'm not sure how much difference it makes as I was shooting her vs the clothes. But if it were a real fashion shoot, yeah... It would probably be unacceptable. The question I have is, why did it blow out like that as I didn't have the lights that close... Hmm.

    If you were using spot metering and single point focus (which I often do) and focused on the face, that's what it exposed for. This is one of those situations where the argument for using an incident light meter is quite valid as it appears that your 'in camera' meter was tricked by the amount of light reflected off the jacket.

    Other than that, very nice shot! love the pose, and very good reflection management on the sunglasses.

  6. #6
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Fashion

    I don't get it guys ... If you look at her face, you will see that it's properly exposed (agree?), so the exposure is correct for the right part of the image. Where I think it falls short is that there's too much contrast for the sensor to handle, meaning the white jacket has lost detail where it is in full light: you can see that the parts of the jacket not in full light, like under her right arm, are Ok. The lighting was just too extreme.

    But what's strange is, I believe we shot this in the shade and the light is from the portable lightstand about 15-20 feet away and from indirect reflection (from the sun). Another possibility is that I over-exposed it and this led to the loss of info on her jacket. Or, I just didn't PP it properly.

    I did capture both JPG and RAW, so need to go back and check the RAW and see what I have!

    btw, no one complained about the hair in her face. I sort of like it because it makes it more relaxed, but I could see someone thinking it maybe shouldn't be there.

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  7. #7
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Fashion

    I like the pose and overall shot as well, but yes the blown out jacket is a problem in any case.

    The entire model is exposed well, except for the jacket and thats because its white. White reflects light much more so than anything else in this image so therefore it would need less illumination. With your light being so far away, there is little you can do to expose differently for the jacket.

    In this case, it might have been best to have a smaller light close to the face so the light falls off below the neck. A larger softbox can work too by flagging off the bottom to reduce exposure to the jacket.

    As you have this now so nicely exposed on face and expression/pose very good, you can create two files from the single RAW like this and the other reduced 2 stops to gain back the jacket detail then just manually blend them as layers
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  8. #8
    Grumpy Old Man Overbeyond's Avatar
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    Re: Fashion

    This is very nice GB. I would prefer to see the texture in all parts of her jacket though. I really like her pose and especially her expression. Her hair is good and I like it as it appears from behind her back.
    Even though she seems to be looking towards the camera it appears like she was not aware she was been photographed, or at least not paying too much notice to it; but I'm sure she was.
    So, just one problem for me and that is the jacket.
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  9. #9
    A picture is a present you give yourself shootme's Avatar
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    Re: Fashion

    In my humble opinion, I'd say yes there is too much light coming of the jacket, but for some reason I feel the shot has lost some sharpness as if there was some movement in the camera ever so slight, maybe wind?
    :thumbsup: Shootme...

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  10. #10
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    Re: Fashion

    Hello! I really like the model and the photo itself. It turned out very cool! I would like to have a man next to me corresponding to the style of a business meeting. And I needed a suit for my man. He loves comfort and looks so I focused on that. And I found the perfect option on I can say that my man is just delighted. Good luck!

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