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Thread: Fall shots

  1. #1
    Just Lurking
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    Fall shots

    I'll be the first to admit that these aren't in the same league as the shots that Mark posted earlier, but I need to improve so I'm posting these to gather some feedback. How do these work and what can I do to improve them? (Horizon lower? higher?) I was actually thinking that I needed a boat somewhere in there, but there weren't any to be had.



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  2. #2
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    Re: Fall shots

    I don't think you had the best light for 2&3. I like #1 and I wouldn't compare it to Mark's as its a different place at a different time. Might consider pushing the saturation and contrast a bit and then sharpening it. Might help, might not. Its a nice shot.
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  3. #3
    To Capture the Mind! MarcusK's Avatar
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    Re: Fall shots

    PC, they are fall shots.. and yes.. you can't compare them to MB shots, since they are by default different...

    The only thing I can add to what Frog has already said (I feel weird calling you Frog.. but oh well) is this:

    The 2nd could have used some element in the fg... it does tell me the story... well sort of... since i feel like I am peeking out from behind these greens to try and see how long the river is.... but there is something missing here...

    The 3rd... the highlights seem to be too strong (almost blown out)... I like it though because of the "impressionist" feel it has!

    These are very nice shots... good work....

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  4. #4
    MB1 is offline
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    Re: Fall shots

    I'm thinking that the problems with the last 2 images is that there is nothing going on in the sky and that nothing happening sky is too big a part of those images.

    Your first image OTOH does work for me. Sure it doesn't have any of the reds that say "Fall" to the viewer but it is a nice composition with great reflections. I bet you could crop from the top and make it even better.
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  5. #5
    Hobby Photographer
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    Re: Fall shots

    I really like your first shot, and I agree with the other posts that 2 and 3 could use some work. However, although your third pic has kind of blown out colors, I like the way that the reflection in the water, along with the way the colors all blend together, make this almost look like a painting.

  6. #6
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Fall shots

    I don't know, I like the bottom one a lot. It's a combination of representational (upper part) and impressionist (lower reflection, softer due to the ripples). I also like # 1 but if only the branch going into the water was more prominent. # 2 is a tough composition, not enough happening in the right side bushes.

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  7. #7
    Just Lurking
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    Re: Fall shots

    Thanks for the great feedback. I actually figured that these were going to sink, but it must be a slow week so I'm adding a couple more versions of this same place. Of the three that I originally posted, I like the first one best but I figured I was going to hear that it was too busy. I think it's better at the large size, but I can't post that big here.

    What about these? One has less boring sky and the other is landscape mode (see I learned from my earlier post).

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Fall shots-img_7508a.jpg   Fall shots-img_7529a.jpg  

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Re: Fall shots

    The blue in the water is outstanding

  9. #9
    MB1 is offline
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    Re: Fall shots

    Quote Originally Posted by PrevailingConditions
    ...What about these? One has less boring sky and the other is landscape mode (see I learned from my earlier post).
    O.K. I like the top image. The water color is great, that is an interesting point of view and the sky works here. Nice color in the trees too.

    The second image doesn't work for me. There is too much foliage on the left (you could crop about 1/2 of it off and I bet the image would be better) and there is too much of that flat sky.
    No, I DON'T need that.

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