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  1. #1
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    failed sunset number two perhaps..??

    slight crop just to remove a little excess sky at the top.. but otherwise untouched..


  2. #2
    LRPS Alison's Avatar
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    Re: failed sunset number two perhaps..??


    WOW!!! That's beautiful!!!
    I would, however, rotate it a little to make your water level straight.

  3. #3
    AutoX Addict Mr Yuck's Avatar
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    Re: failed sunset number two perhaps..??

    That's a good one.

    What happens if you crop out the bottom land?
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  4. #4
    Senior Shooter Greg McCary's Avatar
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    Re: failed sunset number two perhaps..??

    I do agree I think a crop would help, but a beautiful sunset. The colorful reflections off of the water are stunning.
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  5. #5
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    Re: failed sunset number two perhaps..??

    they are hit and miss.. mostly miss. he he.. here is another full frame one taken just a few seconds earlier.. its perhaps better framed to play with crops.. a slightly more panaramic letterbox shape would probably improve it.. perhaps a little too much sun burn out on this one thow..


  6. #6
    AutoX Addict Mr Yuck's Avatar
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    Re: failed sunset number two perhaps..??

    I got it.

    Next time step forward to the shore, because the bottom part kind of distracts me, but when I crop it out in my head, there's not enough water.
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  7. #7
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    Re: failed sunset number two perhaps..??

    the position the shot was taken from was fixed.. it wasnt a planned shot.. more stop the car and get a out and take it shot..

    just a "snapshot" anything a kid with a point and shoot could do.. pretty much like my "fisherman" pic its even got a blown sky as well.. he he


  8. #8
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: failed sunset number two perhaps..??

    The second one is a bit better, and as you say more crop friendly. I like the deep velvety black shore silhouettes that contrast beautifully with the colors of the sunset. There does not need be any detail in any of the black areas, and personally makes it work much stronger without any. Just a crop off the bottom a bit from the second shot would be good, but a letterbox shap pano type would be good as well. I thought you were against cropping a photograph into a letterbox pano . . .
    Good shots.
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  9. #9
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: failed sunset number two perhaps..??

    Quote Originally Posted by trog100
    they are hit and miss.. mostly miss. he he.. here is another full frame one taken just a few seconds earlier.. its perhaps better framed to play with crops.. a slightly more panaramic letterbox shape would probably improve it.. perhaps a little too much sun burn out on this one thow..

    I like this shot better. Very nice foreground contrast. In all, the exposure is perfect.

    What I would like to see (given two wishes by some genie) is one or both of the following:

    1) a ship or something coming into the bay. The whole composition is leading one to the center. There just seems to be something missing there. It's not as bad in this shot as the other though.

    2) A family of people in the foreground, same darkness but with interesting shapes, with their backs to the camera watching the sunset (or the wish ship from above).

    You could probably do some PS trick to add these. Whether or not it looks right would depend on your skill with that (and I hope it's better than mine)

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  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Re: failed sunset number two perhaps..??

    the interesting thing with all the shots is there was only about a two minute period that any of them would have worked..

    the sun was just dropping behind the clouds.. i shot about eight frames a few seconds apart.. at first the sun was far too bright then as it went below the clouds it rapidly changed to being far too dark..

    but the darlk silhouette factor seems to work and the overall exposure on those two at least is about as good as u will get i think..

    i have shots lots of "sunsets" very few are worth keeping..


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