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This is a very interesting image. Ilike the colors and the negative black space on the right. Is this a reflection of a face in a helmet or is this a composite? or neither It is interesting and seems to be one of those images that may hold even greater depth once the idea and concept is revealed.
Thanks for posting Gary. The picture is of my three year old peering out from an orb that was a part of a indoor playground set. The orange portion is a reflection from an adjoining part of the playground. There was also a portion of this playground resembling a space capsule. Because of the capsule I thought of both space exploration, and the general exploration of a child, and tried to take pictures combining both themes. Thanks again for your time.
Ah. . multiple reflections. It's incredible how strong the other reflection was of the orange play area. Your comp and holding down the neg area to black does go along with space exploration. I think it would have been a stronger image if the orande reflection was lighter and your childs reflection a bit more dominant. but this still works and holds my interest.
Hi Paul,
That is a very intriguing image. Nice catch. My only suggestion would be to crop off some of the right side.
[Edit: I meant to say take some off the LEFT side -- not right. The blue complements nicely, but the large area doesn't add much to the overall composition]
This is pretty cool. Good composition and theme. I gotta admit, though. I didn't even see the child until I read your reply explaining the image. I was too busy trying to figure out what that orange thing was. Now that I see it, I think it's very cool.
I really like this. The colors are great, and I love the reflection of your child's face. Having a 3 year old myself, I knew that I was looking at playground equipment, but I couldn't figure out how you did it until I read your Very cool photo.