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I like this picture alot...if i would change anything, a little bit brighter below his feet, or just crop it off, i feel that the extream darkness takes away from the bright sun, and the guy being outlined by it. Overall great pic
Thanks for the review GF. I appreciate the feedback.
It was my intent to have the person and the fg black as I was attempting a 'here comes the night' theme. I guess I didn't execute it well enough. Unfortunately, there isn't much image information in those black areas. So, I couldn't lighten them. My other concern about this shot is the blooming and banding around the sun. My worry is that they distract.
On first glance I like it! Pretty good sunset. Yes, it could be cropped in various ways.
The banding around the sun could be fixed or you could "play" with it and make it slightly abstract, a simple way would be posterizing. It could be color limited or contrast limited (variations on the poserizing technique).
I like silhouette photos and this one has its elements in good places. The person isn't "just" standing against a beautiful background, they are doing something.
I like the image , The guy on the beach looks like nick cage too me and should be holding a gun instead of a shoe. Great colors and sharpness. I think its just about perfect lighting myself !!!!