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First DSLR (Nikon D3100) here's a shot I took of my motorcycle. I did a quick edit in iPhoto. Any comments would be appreciated as I want to really get into photography.
First off welcome, I like the fact there is water drops on the bike. I think the DOF could have been deeper so all of the lettering is sharp. The lettering is also to centered. Google rule of thirds and composition and study up a bit.
Nice exposure.....
I am like Barney Fife, I have a gun but Andy makes me keep the bullet in my pocket..
Thanks for the response Greg, I'll be sure to read up. I tried to focus a few different ways in order to get all the letters in focus but couldn't figure it out until way after the fact but I will try a similar shot with your suggestions.
Nice colors an exposition, I also like the dark out of focus background
I suppose you are using he kit lens 18-55 Vr ?
If so , VR wil help maintain blurr free image at lower shooter speeds and so you can use a smaller aperture and still get a sharp photo.
Besides using a smaller aperture, say F11, you may want to go a bit wider , perhaps 20 to 30mm and change the angle a bit so all the letters are in focus.
Read and reread your owner's manual ~ it's laborious but it will make a bunch of difference. I picked up a D300s last year and went through the manual a good bit and tried to shoot pictures relevant to whatever part of the owner's manual I was in and just now feel comfortable with the camera.
Good luck! The rain drops are nice and do read up on the rule of thirds.
"You have noticed that truth comes into this world with two faces. One is sad with suffering and the other laughs; but it is the same face, laughing and weeping." ~ Black Elk